Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa September 2015 | Page 26
Advice from a Master Investor
im Kiyosaki, self-made millionaire, entrepreneur and sought-after speaker, shares her
insight into the world of property investing
On overcoming obstacles to becoming a successful
- When I look back on the biggest mistakes I’ve
made, they seem to come down to the same common
denominator: not trusting myself. I didn’t trust my gut.
- If you’re starting your entrepreneurial endeavor, you’ve
got to have the passion and the drive, and you’ve got to
be totally in love with what you’re doing. As you grow,
it’s up to you to keep that entrepreneurial spirit alive
On the best advice she has received
- Make sure you have people smarter than you around.
If I am the smartest person, then I’m in trouble because
I always have to come up with the ideas. And the job of
an entrepreneur is not to solve problems; it is to create
problems so that the rest of your team can solve the
- Never bring on a partner that needs the money
because then he or she will be doing it for the money.
And the decisions that they make about the business
will be what’s going to give them the most money
instead of what’s best for the business.
- Never make a partner of somebody where you can
buy his or her services in the marketplace. A partner
should bring something unique to your business that is
very difficult to find elsewhere. If you can buy it in the
marketplace, then buy it.
SEPTEMBER 2015 SA Real Estate Investor
On why Women should become involved in
- Women need to take charge of their financial lives.
They need to know what they have, where it is, and how
to grow it. To blindly turn that responsibility over to
someone else—a husband/partner, a financial planner
or advisor—is one of the most dangerous things a
woman can do today regarding her financial security.
- The rules around money today have changed. Today,
given the low-to-no interest rates on savings, and the
fact that many of the developed nations are printing
(and printing and printing) money, the money you
are saving is actually losing its value by just sitting in
the bank. It’s almost impossible today to save enough
money to carry you through retirement.
- You work so hard for your money. Wouldn’t you want
that hard-earned money working for you? As some
point in your life you may want to take a break, or even
retire (which I believe is highly overrated). If you’re the
one working hard and your money isn’t, then you may
have to keep working hard…forever.
Kim Kiyosaki Interview
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