Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa September 2015 | Page 12

PROPERTY ALERTS The Bad The Good Increased A Rental for elderly to be reduced in Johannesburg wareness Of Antibribery Compliance T he Gauteng Rental Housing Tribunal has ordered the City of Johannesburg to decrease rentals for thousands of elderly people living in Johburg council old age homes from September 1. Currently residents pay between R230 and R480 per month, depending on flat size Residents pay between R230 and R480 a month, depending on the size of the flat, while pensions vary between R1 350 and R 1 410. A tribunal, brought about by The Old Age Villages Association, which comprised of 26 villages, ruled in their favour in June this year. The housing council has reduced the rental to R180 a month for a bachelor unit to R360 for a one-bedroom unit. 10 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER2015 2015SA SAReal RealEstate EstateInvestor Investor Bad Debt stacks up I rresponsible spending is increasing as South Africans have done little to amend their spending habits after the credit amnesty cleared the credit slate. There was clear evidence that consumers had not changed their behavior and that the credit amnesty had largely failed to change consumer behavior. It seems that many South Africans used the credit amnesty as an opportunity to build up new debt as they became eligible to borrow money once again. Thus negating the original purpose of the credit amnesty. An increase in the number of consumers applying for a debt review is a sure sign of the deteriorating situation Thely Ug SA Economist injured in home invasion E conomist Dawie Roodt was seriously injured when armed robbers broke into his home in Pretoria In the lette