Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa September 2013 | Page 60

Pro?t from Australian Property Discover the secret to investing wisely Looking to diversify your funds somewhere where you’ll be able to realise attractive capital growth and rental yields? Look no further. With Australia’s thriving economy and taxation bene?ts, there’s no better place to invest. Why Australia is your best choice for sound investments Australia o?ers pro?table opportunities for property investors: Stable real estate prices Well-established legal and property buying system Signi?cant tax incentives A strong currency and low interest rates Housing shortages and high property prices have resulted in a high rental demand Population growth and rising incomes means that demand for housing outpaces supply, causing prices to rise Diversify your funds safely & easily with PR Australian Properties If you are serious about making money in property investment, talk to the experts! Rooted in on-going research, our advice cultivates sound investments and gives life to your ambitions. Through expert property management and investment property solutions, we will identify which areas will give you the most pro?table returns over time, and source the best projects for those looking to put their funds in a safe, stable environment. Helping families buy Australian property at the RIGHT TIME, in the RIGHT PLACE, for the RIGHT REASONS To ?nd out more about how we can help you build a pro?table portfolio, email [email protected] to set up a personal consultation, or visit