Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa REIM February 2018 | Page 16

TECHNOLOGY Top Business Apps Productivity at your fingertips BY MONIQUE DU TOIT W ith the rise of mobile apps, it’s easier than ever to stay on top of your never-ending to-do list. Here, we round up some of the best apps for investors. Shyft Named the overall winner at the 2016 MTN Business App of the Year Awards, Shyft is an easy way to buy, send, and store foreign currency from your phone. Available to all Standard Bank Personal Account holders, the app offers you live rates between Rands, Dol- lars, Pounds, Euros, and the Australian Dollar. Especially helpful, is the fact that users can send up virtual cards in any cur- rency, which they can then use to make international purchases. International payments are also made easier, with the ability to add a beneficiary and pay them in your preferred currency right on the app. Intergreatme This app aims to remove the need to repeatedly fill out and share details and documents. In effect, it acts as a vault for businesses and consumers, val- idating and verifying documents. Users are able to link all their personal infor- mation to one profile. This is verified by the app, and the information can be made available to numerous service pro- viders at the click of a button. The app is free to use, and only requires the user to have a bank account and mobile device. Security isn't taken lightly, with the user maintaining control over who has access to which documents. 14 Ekaya Since being found- ed in 2013, Ekaya has moved from a website-only ser- vice to a purely app-based offering. With the simple premise of connecting people who need to rent with people who have a place to rent out, the app is easy to use. The launch of their VIP experience adds reputability to the mix. Each user creates a single profile, making it easier to verify information prior to renting. It also offers users the option to integrate their account with their bank and the credit bureaus, meaning credit checks can be done much faster. Renters are also given access to instant information on whether or not they can afford a property, while being able to control who sees what in- formation. A simple produc- tivity app, Any. do allows users to make lists and track schedules, ensuring you don't forget about that important task during FEBRUARY 2018 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine the busy day. Calendar integration means it’s even simpler to stay on the same page as others in your team. Us- ers also have the ability to make notes, share lists with others, and assign tasks to specific people. HeyJude A virtual assistant on your smart- phone, HeyJude was develped with the South Afri- can consumer in mind. Incorporating both Artificial Intelligence and actual human beings, the app allows you to get things done much faster (and easier). Whether you need someone to book a rental car, hotel, office space, or a table at that new restaurant, the app partners with industry leading service providers to ensure your life runs more smoothly. There are different price levels, start- ing from R199 a month for unlimited personal requests. For R600 a month, you get access to 3 hours of more per- sonalised service: from research assis- tance, to transcribing meetings and collecting data.