Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa Real Estate Investor Magazine - October 2017 | Page 50

Guaranteed Returns The Offshore Residential Opportunity RJ PALANO Turnkey operator in Atlanta, Georgia, an author and marketer and is an invited speaker for the Information Management Network (IMN) Conferences for hedge funds and family offices. A ffordable housing is a highly sought-after investment cat- egory in the United States (US) right now, as it is in many parts of the world, including South Africa. As a result of massive housing back- logs worldwide affordable housing has become a hugely popular and credible investment category. In the US the affordable housing we refer to will be slightly different from what you’re thinking about. Affordable housing in the US us- ing Low-Income Housing Tax Cred- its (LIHTC) is one of the best-kept secrets right now. This is primarily because it requires more consistency, more value enhancement and sophis- tication compared to when buying a standard Single-Family Home (SFH) for rent. 48 LIHTC requires an experienced and trusted team to be assembled, because there are so many moving parts for the acquisition, rehab, and property man- agement for thousands of units. With so many aspects to keep in mind, it’s normally best left to the experts in the know while still enjoying the benefit of a hands-off approach with above aver- age returns. The best part is that these oppor- tunities will never go away and the government guarantees the rents. The collection rate on all of these units is over 98% month after month. The US real estate market is changing as home values are up and bargains are hard to come by. Trends are shifting, but the affordable-housing apartments always seem to be a sure bet. This goes against everything that I have written about in the past 35 years, since I’m a serious SFH investor. I still believe that the hard asset of SFH real estate in well-located areas can give you positive passive cash flow, deliver a hedge against inflation and replace your income from an active job. The affordable housing market It is true that rental income and oc- cupancy rates at affordable properties OCTOBER 2017 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine are not affected by general market and economic conditions. Data and research has consistently shown that the demand of qualified persons and programs for subsidized housing out- weighs the approved supply. Currently 12 million Americans qualify for government assistance and there are only 4,5 million units avail- able for rent. These factors make for recession proof assets with attractive risk-to-reward because returns are not only based on existing in-place oper- ations, but also on future rent growth potential. Personally, I sold 38% of my SFH property portfolio to invest in LIHTC affordable-housing properties to capi- talize on this opportunity. In essence, I would not recommend this if I were not invested myself. I have now doubled my annual returns just by repurposing my portfolio into a new better performing category. For me this is sound strategy especially given the fact that afford- able housing returns deliver consistent double-digit returns, have an easy and transparent exit plan with the highest level of professional management. South African investors can win big on rand hedge vs. US dollar Currently we have over 90 success- ful investors from South Africa who