Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa Real Estate Investor Magazine - June 2017 | Page 23

RESIDENTIAL Residential vs Commercial The Key Differences GERHARD KOTZÉ MD, REALNET ESTATE AGENCY GROUP “We can clearly see…different preferences emerging among different groups of home- buyers. The first of these is the growing de- mand among young buyers for apartments and townhouses in areas close to their work- places - whether these are in the city centre or decentralised commercial hubs.” SCOTT PICKEN FOUNDER & CEO, WEALTH MIGRATE “When technology disrupts an industry, it does three things. It cuts out the middle- men, reduces the costs and increase the trust, transparency and accessibility. Think Uber, Airbnb, or Apple, etc. Now technolo- gy is doing the same thing to real estate investing.” SAMUEL SEEFF CHAIRMAN, SEEFF “The Cape will continue seeing strong migration of people looking to move here from the rest of the country, as anyone who is financially able to will do so. At the same time, HNWI buyers will continue putting more money into the Blue Chip Atlantic Seaboard and City Bowl area compared to the upper end Johannesburg/Sandton and Pretoria East areas.” JUNE 2017 SA Real Estate Investor 21