Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa Real Estate Investor Magazine - Dec/Jan 2018 | Page 31

RESIDENTIAL 36 Cities are becoming more unaffordable than ever. Where do people stay? We investigate a worldwide trend into micro apartments 34 Retirement is shifting. As we live longer and more active lives, how are developers keeping up? From polo fields to pilates instructors, the retirement estate isn’t holding back. PAUL STEVENS Just Property CEO “Whether you’re buying or selling, go first to the agency’s national website. Evaluate the tools the site offers you – is there a focus on information sharing? Does it offer no- strings-attached, value-added information? Is the technology employed innovative and market leading? Then take a reading of the values the company holds their agents to.” PRAVEN SUBBRAMONEY CEO of Private Bank Lending at FNB CHARLENE NOLTE-JOUBERT Partner of Henkes Nolte-Joubert Attorneys “A viable high rental yield property in- vestment strategy depends on the rental income you get as well as access to capital. As a result, finance and skills required for selecting the right property are critical ele- ments for success.” “In terms of our law, it is the seller’s prerog- ative (not the agent or purchaser) to nom- inate the conveyancers of his choice as the seller is the most at risk and must be able to rest in the knowledge that the attorney will act on his behalf by doing whatever it takes to get the transaction finalised as quickly and efficiently as possible.” SA Real Estate Investor Magazine DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018 29