Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa Real Estate Investor Magazine - Dec/Jan 2018 | Page 3
As far as opportunity goes, none has
more relevance and potential than Bell-
ville and the much spoken of Voortrek-
ker Road Corridor (VRC).
At the heart of the 19km stretch of
economic activity, comprising some
8000 hectares, is the capital of the North
– Bellville.
With the heritage value stretching
back to the 1650’s, Bellville was at its
Heyday in the 1970’s. At the time, the
area was the retail and commercial epi-
centre of the Northern Suburbs, home
to some of the country’s Mega-corpo-
The steady movement of develop-
ment capital away from the area over the
last 20 years, towards the newer Tyger-
valley and Century City, has meant that
the area is having to evolve and regen-
erate. This is leading towards a second
economic boom.
Now recognised as the obvious locale
for new and refurbished development,
Bellville is starting to attract more and
more attention from smart investors.
Having a flourishing student com-
munity, bustling retail and commuter
traffic, significant tertiary institutions,
and large corporates, Bellville (and
Parow) are on the move.
The Greater Tygerberg Partnership
(GTP), a NPO established five years
ago in partnership with the City of Cape
Town (CoCT), is well positioned to play
a key role in the facilitation of this tran-
sition. Recently appointed CEO, War-
ren Hewitt believes the landscape is now
fertile for investment, particularly for
those prepared to be the urban trailblaz-
ers and leverage the higher yields avail-
able to those with vision. “The area ticks
all the boxes for a thriving economic and
residential hub. It has 360o accessibility
via major routes (rail, road and air), high
levels of employment opportunities,
available land and low bulk utilisation
combined with a transport interchange
which could soon challenge the busiest
in the Western Cape.”
As an integrated partnership, the
GTP plays a facilitation role between
the private sector (both corporate and
individual) and the channels of state
management - the public sector.
Hewitt goes on to add: “at the GTP
we can play a role for the private inves-
tor in accessing and accelerating inter-
actions with the City whilst also mobil-
ising the CoCT’s approved investment
strategies”. The CoCT has identified
Bellville as one of the 5 catalytic proj-
ects for the future development of the
Metropole, placing a huge emphasis and
many resources behind these plans.
If you would like more information on the area or would like to engage on specifics please
contact the GTP at 021 823 6713 or email [email protected]