Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa October 2016 | Page 50
Disruptive Technology
appeals to Millennials
Embracing new trends in Real Estate Tech
he way we do business, and live, is changing
rapidly. The need to be in one space, five days
a week during standard hours is still the way
of working for many, yet it’s no longer necessary.
Business, as we have known it, has been disrupted by
According to property magnate and co-founder of an
online trading portal Quoin Online, Wayne van der
Vent, “It’s the future consumer we need to think of.”
It took around two years to get the portal
specialising in commercial, industrial and retail
property sales going, as technology advances much
faster than legislation can keep up.
“We want to move with the pace of technology
OCTOBER 2016 SA Real Estate Investor
advancement in using the system for end to end sales
and acquisitions, and not just be a shop window to
advertise,” Van der Vent adds. “My partner Karen
Miller and I partnered with a software developer in
order to continuously keep our technology up to date.”
If you’re standing outside a property in which you
may be interested for purchase or rental, you no longer
need to find out who the agents are and call them for
information. You can access it all online and make an
offer from your phone within minutes.
“This kind of paperless way of purchasing property,
offered by Quoin, is what appeals to millennials
(those born between 1982 and 2004) and the youth
of today who are the future consumers,” according to
Van der Vent.
Millennials tend to buy property to fit their needs