Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa October 2013 | Page 47

COMMERCIAL Potential tenants do not consider pricing first: they first consider location and, then, the amenities and comfort provided by an office location, followed closely by connectivity. When preparing a fact sheet for marketing purposes, provide potential tenants with a colourful double-sided fact sheet which indicates where your building is and how it connects to main thoroughfares, taxi and other transport routes, train and bus stations as well as airports (in a smaller inset diagram). List all of the benef its and features of your office building, such as available space for a tenant’s expansion, parking facilities and how well your building is managed: potentia l tenants look towa rds mov ing into developments that are managed in an exemplary manner as they are, then, able to focus on their own business operations. A brilliant letting strategy includes refurbishing the foyer, one lift and one common area set (passage, ablution and kitchen) and, then, fitting out one small suite with expensivelooking f inishes and furniture (including carpets, walls and ceilings): potential tenants shall often, see themselves in the attractive, inviting show suite and want to sign a lease for the show suite itself. All potential tenants are attracted to green buildings at present in view of the mediumterm savings which these buildings provide. If it is at all possible, commit to installing green technology such as energy and water saving devices within a reasonable time frame. Ot her incent ives wh ic h of ten at t rac t potential tenants are a rent-free period for the parking bays which the tenant may require, assistance with the tenant’s premises fit-out (between two and four months worth of gross rental) and inclusion in a prominent signage display in your building’s foyer and on your building’s exterior. Allowing a tenant not to pay a deposit or permitting a new tenant to pay its deposit off over a short period is a further incentive. Most landlords often forget that off ice tenants thrive on being accommodated in prestigious premises. This benefit assists them to attract custom and permits them to feel on par with the international players in the tertiary business sector. It is for this reason that off ice landlords should endeavour to create prestigious environments within their vacant office blocks and, in so doing, compare favourably with other buildings which have a less attractive or tired appearance. If you do have a funding constraint, attempt to fit out a small part of your development as suggested above and reveal this portion as a show suite. If a potential tenant is willing to take an extensive area, attempt to provide such a tenant with an exceptional incentive – such as dedicated lift or entrance. A special concierge desk or marble sign board in your building’s foyer is an impressive benefit for a large user and can mean the difference between gaining and losing a new tenant. External letting strategies External letting strategies involve gutting a building and starting again – with superior finishes, improved facilities and green features. Such a strategy may involve increasing a building’s bulk or purchasing an adjacent development so as to provide parking or a gym facility. By including a small coffee shop, printer or courier service on the ground f loor of a refurbished development, one creates benefits which a new tenant cannot do without. Such newly-ref urbished developments should ideally be marketed to a sub-sector of the tertiary economy: each year, approximately t went y percent of attorneys, doctors and engineers leave their respective f irms (or hospita ls) to set up their own practices and creating an incestuous environment which eventuates a co-dependence amongst practitioners not only establishes your office development as a desirable location but means that tenants shall not want to vacate for fear of losing the referral opportunities from their neighbour tenants. Competing successfully for tenants in our diff icult tenant market means establishing your location as a destination of choice. This requires some lateral thinking but can mean the difference between a low and high vacancy factor! RESOURCES Courtwelll Consulting October 2013 SA Real Estate Investor 45