Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa October 2013 | Page 45
income tenants in basically all the property
sectors, ie, all my residential units caters
for rental income of between R 2500/m –
R4500/m. My retail outlets are located at
middle-income areas and the tenants are all
owner-operated stores. My industrial units
focus on start-up and small businesses with
rental income of below R10 000/m. In all
these cases I find that the tenants are loyal and
although there are months that they struggle
will they always pay any rent that may fall in
arrears,” says Jacques. His investment strategy
is one that benefits not just him but also the
area he chooses to invest in. “I like to focus
on the properties that other investors are not
interested in and are prepared to subsidise
the instalment for a year or two. I also look
for property where I can add value through
my management skills and commitment to
uplifting the property in the area.? 'B??X?]Y\??\??[??\?Y[??\?H???\?B???\^???[?]?H\??\?Y?]\?[?\?[?H??Y[?\?HY??X?X[??\??^H??YYH??\[?H[???Y?B???\^?^H?X?\?YH???H??\?B?[??X?]Y\??&H??Y[??\YYH\??]???X?]Y\??X?[?[\?YH??\^[?^B??P??N??X?]Y\???????[??Y??H[?]?]H?\?X?H??\^H\???Y[?[?\?[?\?[?H?[????M[?]??H