Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa November 2019 | Page 30

ACQUIRING Renegotiate your home loan and save thousands Don’t be tied to the same interest rate MEYER DE WAAL Raising a home loan is often one of the most stressful times in one’s life. Renegotiating a lower interest rate a few years later [2- 10 years later] can save you thousands of Rands. You have nothing to lose then, as your home loan is already approved. “I f your own bank does not want to lower your interest rate, switch to another bank that is willing to do so,” says Meyer de Waal a Cape Town conveyancing attorney. “Let us unpack it how it can be done,” and start with the home buying process. You find the house of your dreams and submit and offer to purchase to the seller. Your fate is in the hands of the financial institution to approve your home loan. You are aware that a bank will dig deep to look into your past payment behaviour, your exposure to debt, your income ratio compared to your living and debt repayment expenses and the strict “rules and regulations” of the National Credit Act. When the financial institution finally approves your home loan some weeks later, you are so glad to “be approved” that the interest rate that the bank quotes you is of little consequence as you are desperate not to lose the house you signed for. You accept the higher interest rate quotation, “just to get the deal done”. The lending criteria from one bank to the other differ from time to time as they need to expand their market share in the mortgage industry. Financial institutions build in extra “insurance” for them in charging higher interest rates. 28 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine The 100% home loan approval had an interest rate of prime (currently 10%) plus 1% extra. The 93% home loan had an interest rate of 10%, explains de Waal. Few consider renegotiating a lower interest rate two years later (and many do not realise this is possible). Many home buyers will want to avoid the trauma and stress of going through a home loan application process again two or three years later and do not want to pay attorney registration fees again. “Do not get stuck with the same interest rate for the rest of your home loan repayment period. It can cost you thousands of Rands over the repayment period of a home loan term that can stretch up to 20 or 30 years. If your current bank does not want to renegotiate and lower your home loan rate, apply to another bank and negotiate a lower interest rate,” says De Waal. The motivation behind this is that your affordability, credit score and loan to value (this means the value of your property compared to the original loan amount) may have improved drastically over the years. As your overall profile and property value improves, so your