Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa November 2018 | Page 34

PROPERTY COACHING ADVERTORIAL How to go from zero to hero Fast track your success through property coaching BY CARLO MARIANI “W hy should I use a Property Coach?” is a ques- tion I get asked a lot. And my preferred answer is actually another question “When is the last time you have seen a team winning a Soccer or a Rugby World Cup without a coach on the bench?” I certainly cannot recall such an instance… The same way Club Owners are prepared to spend big money on the best coaches (we all know who “The Special One” is…), there are many compelling reasons why a Coach is a critical catalyst to your Property Success. Here are three reasons from my top drawer. Reason #1 – Practical Knowledge I once read somewhere “You don’t have to make all the mistakes, most of them have already been made for you”. This is quite a powerful statement that reminds us that you are not the first (or the last) individual to build substantial wealth and passive income using Property. Many people before you have been down that journey for years and decades and you can achieve the same or more, but a lot quicker, by applying their knowledge and experience without trying to “re-invent the wheel”. Reason #2 – If you think education is expen- sive, try ignorance When my Property Journey started here in South Africa in 2003 I had very little specific education in property and we certainly 32 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine did not have the same amount of available information that we can get today on the internet. Despite being a graduate myself of one of the most prestigious business schools in the world, having a “business coach” was still a largely unknown concept so I took a few expensive courses at the University of Hard Knocks (including getting caught up in the pre-2010 World Cup Property greed) that could have easily been avoided if I had Reason #3 – Support through the “dips” Beware of anybody saying “property is easy”. Property is easier but not easy. Just like any other business venture (yes, property investing is a business) property success requires vision, dedication and hard work. And in the process you will encounter obstacles and set-backs; and when you encounter those “dips” your Property Coach will be there to re-focus you on your vision, distill the lessons learnt and re-energise you and re-commit you to a plan of action and success. In conclusion, a Property Coach will support you to develop a compelling vision to your Property Journey. This is a condition necessary but not sufficient to Property Success; the practical and usable knowledge that an experienced coach will have coupled with your consistent action is the fuel to Fast Track Your Property Success. SOURCE The Property