Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa November 2015 | Page 65

EVENTS E v e n t s REAL ESTATE INVESTOR MASTER CLASS THE SOUTH AFRICAN PROPERTY MARKET YEAR IN REVIEW Date: Thursday 19 November 2015 Venue: Indaba Hotel Fourways JHB Time: 09:00 to 14:00 Contact: [email protected] VALUATION OF PROPERTIES UNDER CONSTRUCTION Date: 13 November 2015 Venue: Pretoria Cost: R2,500 Telephone number: +27 12 434 2500 Email address [email protected] PRINCIPLES OF VALUE FEASIBILITIES Date: 04 December 2015 Venue: Pretoria Cost: R2,500 Telephone number: +27 12 434 2500 Email: [email protected] IMN’S 13TH ANNUAL AFRICAN CAPITAL MARKETS CONFERENCE Date: 26 – 27 November Venue: CTICC Cape Town Telephone: +27 (0) 21 410 5000 Email: [email protected] A AP - NEW BUILDINGS: FACE TO FACE WORKSHOP Date: Port Elizabeth, Thu, 26 November 2015 Johannesburg, Tue, 23 February 2016 Durban, Tue, 15 March 2016 Email address: [email protected] ovember 2015 Venue: Pretoria Cost: R2,500 Telephone number: +27 12 434 2500 Email address [email protected] Wealth Masterclass STEPS TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTATE AGENT If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, estate agent or principal looking to grow your business to the next level then you cannot miss this event... Date: Thursday 19 November 2015 Venue: Indaba Hotel Fourways JHB Time: 09:00 to 14:00 Subject: Estate Agents – property going forward for the new year. Go to 021 761 3848 Brought to you by [email protected]