Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa November 2015 | Page 37

object to the valuation appearing thereon if you are still unhappy that it is not market related as at 1 July 2012. Property owners are reminded that this is not a current general valuation. The City is now currently busy with the GV2015 valuation, which will be based on values as at 1 JULY 2015. The GV2015 valuation roll is likely to be published in or about January 2016 and new valuations, which will become effective as at 1 July 2016 will appear thereon. You may object to the valuation should it not represent the market value of your property. This is a separate process to the review process for supplementary valuations, which will continue to periodically take place We are of the opinion that the review valuation should be well motivated as there is no interim process for appeal until the valuation is entered onto the Supplementary Valuation Roll. RESOURCES