Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa November 2014 | Page 27

RESIDENTIAL We have recently encountered this and were unable to receive a deposit timeously due to no information sheet provided. Do not underestimate this important requirement which could delay a transfer! OTHER POTENTIAL DELAYS 1. The tax affairs of either the seller or the purchaser are not in order. 2. A selling company/cc or purchasing company/cc “not being in business”. This happens when the Registrar of Companies deregisters a company for not submitting returns. In this case, the accountants must render returns to put the company/cc “back in business”, which could cause considerable delays. don’t miss the ultimate Real Estate Investor Tour with 3. A self-employed person does not have audited financials or the books of account for the business are not properly kept. This can delay the granting of a bond, and thus the entire process. 4. A seller who has lost his title deed can put a three-week delay on a matter if the title deed, which he believed he had, is found to be lost. 5. A seller who fails to pay the rates and taxes on time or to provide the conveyancer with critical information that has been requested. Neale Petersen JT foxx ((ظ$