Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa May 2018 | Page 22
Are you on a tight timeframe? Since these homes
are built in a factory and assembled on site, the
building process isn’t subject to unpredictable
weather. This means that homes can be delivered
within a few weeks.
Are you looking for a simple design? While not al-
ways the case, modular homes’ designs do tend to
be less complicated than traditional builds. There
is, of course, the option of customising existing
designs to add your own flavour.
Are you trying to build a more environmentally
friendly home? Since modular homes are built to
strict specifications, there’s less of a chance that
materials will go to waste. The fact that the homes
are delivered ready-to-assemble also means that
you won’t need an extensive clean-up of the build-
ing site. Finally, these homes are typically built with
good insulation, and of responsible materials. This
reduces the need for heating and cooling.
MAY/JUNE 2018 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine
uilding your dream home can quickly turn into an ex-
pensive exercise. For many, the idea of being able to de-
sign your own home from scratch far surpasses being
forced to compromise when buying an existing property. But
the dream can quickly shatter once building costs, lengthy de-
lays, and shabby workmanship get taken into account.
One existing solution that’s been making waves over the
past few years, is modular homes. Also known as prefabricat-
ed or “prefab”, these homes are designed and customised off-
site, before being assembled at the chosen site. The modular
home ticks many boxes: on average, it’s 10-20% less expensive
to than traditional homes; uses less energy and water in the
building process; and can be delivered in a much faster time.
Many modular homes are built from environmentally con-
scious products, such as glass or wood. This is not only more
environmentally friendly during the build stage, but also leads
to significant electricity savings for the homeowners down
the line. With the ever-present threat of electricity and water
shortages, this offers some comfort.
The basics
Most local modular home builders offer a wide range of mod-
els. From humble studios to extravagant multi-storey abodes,
there’s pretty much something for everyone.
Prices fluctuate, depending on materials used, finishes, and
the size of the home, but prices start at an estimated R8 000/
sqm. In most cases, the final price will include all fittings and
fixtures, decking, foundations, and even appliances.
Customising a modular home is also a breeze, with the op-
tion of purchasing pods to add to an existing structure. Mu-
nicipal approvals are taken care of by the manufacturer, and is
oftentimes included in the overall price.