Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa May 2016 | Page 21
t was Albert Einstein who said, “Compound
interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who
understands it earns it, and he who does not pays
it.” Question is, on which side of the transaction are
you? Are you the financial slave who is paying it or the
wealthy beneficiary earning it?
The rich are getting richer and the poor are
getting poorer as a result of this system. The Oxfam
1/15 Report tells us that top 1% rich have seen their
global wealth grow by almost 50% in 2016. They also
own almost 50% of the world’s resources including
all the debt obligations today. The banking system is
essentially a giant Ponzi scheme with more money
having to be re-paid than was lent into existence. All
money will stream back to the central debt-making
machine when the lending stops. In another way the
world’s 62 richest Capitalists (Oxfam 1/16) own more
than the 3,5 billion poorest. It could be fair to say that
capitalism has brought the world at last into a veritable
dog box says Tony Webbstock.
It was Benjamin Franklin who said, “Credit is a
system whereby a person who can’t pay, gets another
person who can’t pay, to guarantee that he can pay.”
Abraham Lincoln said it best in 1865: Money is the
creature of law, and the creation of the original issue of
money should be maintained as the exclusive monopoly
of national government.
“The need to act now is impaired by the lack of
government control over the Reserve Bank, which is a
privately owned entity, owned by private shareholders
- possibly bankers - whom the law requires to be kept
secret. Its decisions should be in the public interest,
but are taken in closed meetings, recorded in secret
minutes by directors appointed by and accountable to
their shareholders.”
The Government has done what it can about overindebtedness. Reckless lending, prescribed debt and is
limiting the amount that creditors can claim. Now you
have to free yourself from Debt Slavery!
Before you pay any your bills, before you buy
groceries, bond or rent set aside a portion of your
income to save. Ideally put the money into your
savings account. The first bill you pay each month
should be to yourself.
Steps to FREE
yourself from
Debt Slavery
with the Total
Debt Makeover
Prioritize your debt - Pay
yourself and your family first
Pay A creditor important debt
first – unlike debt review and
debt counseling
Open a Savings/Dignity fund
– This is for future monthly
necessary living expenses
Stop paying unaffordable
B creditors
Protect your order of priority
while creditors are contacted
Debt Makeover Plan” costs only R150
per month please send an email to info@reimag. that gives you immediate benefits (and
debt relief). Upon subscription, we will do a debt
analysis with you to plot your way forward.
For more information SMS ‘REIM Debt Management’ to 083 417 7254 or email ‘REIM debt Management’ to [email protected]
MAY 2016 SA Real Estate Investor