Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa May 2014 | Page 18
He taught many others his secret and created scores of
new millionaires. In fact 500 wealthy men all revealed
he was the source of their riches. One of the key secrets
of Carnegie was that all achievement, all earned riches,
has their beginning in an idea. This is already one half
of the secret.
Here are the 6 steps where the desire for riches
can be transmuted into its financial equivalent
with 6 definite practical steps from “Think and
grow rich.”
STEP ONE – Fix in your mind the exact amount of
money you desire. Be definite as to the amount
STEP TWO – Determine exactly what you intend to
give in return for the money you desire
STEP THREE – Establish a definite date when you
intend to possess the money you desire
STEP FOUR – Create a definite plan for carrying
out your desire and begin at once, put the plan
into action.
STEP FIVE – Write out a clear concise statement
of the amount of money you intend to acquire,
name the time limit, state what you intend giving
in return for the money and describe clearly the
plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
STEP SIX – Read the statement aloud, twice daily,
once before retiring at night, and once after
arising in the morning. As you read – see and
feel and believe yourself already in possession
of the money
The reward is worthy of your effort, so make a
start and ne convinced.
“If you’re going to be thinking,
you may as well THINK BIG.”
What’s needed is a sound intellectual framework for
making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from
corroding that framework. Only you can make the
decision to take the first step to make a change in your
life and with the right mindset you can achieve a big
advantage. It is about making a choice, a decision and a
commitment to change your financial destiny.
May 2014 SA Real Estate Investor
Robert Kiyosaki
Rober t K iyosak i and Dr. Dolf de Roos t wo
notorious international real estate investors, educators
and authors say psychology of investing counts as
much as 80% and mechanics only around 20%. It is
interesting to note that most investors tend to spend
more time on mechanics instead of psychology.
Kiyosaki says that there is a huge myth that you
need to earn a high income to become wealthy as you
can start with nothing and for most investors this is
huge psychological hurdle for many to cross. Money
is essentially an idea, which in many cases has been
created out of thin air, and in many cases success is
rising above problems mentally and how you tackle
those obstacles.
Dr. De Roos a wealth master himself has written
15 book s on rea l estate invest ing a nd wea lt h
building, developed property software programs
as well as 5 property educational programs, which
focuses on real estate investment in residential,
commercial and offshore investing. His favourite
program, which he developed, is “Dolf ’s Wealth
M a k er Sy stem”. D ol f say s t he we a lt h bat t le
is won in t he g rey mat ter bet ween you r ea rs.
Somewhere in their upbringing many people see
the development and growth of personal wealth as
negative as this was an issue in their upbringing.
Fea r is a lso a not her reason why people don’t
succeed but can both be overcome as he says it is
only an acronym for “False Evidence Appearing
R e a l ( F E A R ).” He s a y s f e a r i s m o s t l y b a d
management of our mental faculties.