Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa May 2013 | Page 41

REI Commercial Hyprop’s R2.3 Billion Acquisition E-Tolling Gets The Green Light Construction Companies Liable For Corruption Leading JSE shopping centre fund, Hyprop, announced its R 2.3 billion acquisition of Somerset Mall from Sycom Property Fund (“Sycom”), in line with strategy to invest in sizeable quality shopping centres. The purchase consideration is being settled by the transfer of 81 500 000 Sycom units to Sycom, which will clear the way for Hyprop to exit its investment in Sycom. Hyprop CEO Pieter Prinsloo says: “Not only are we pleased to have acquired a high quality regional shopping cent re t hat complements ou r e x ist i ng portfolio, but also that it has provided us the opportunity to convert an indirect investment into a direct property asset.” The purchase consideration equates to 32,8% of Sycom units in issue, or 97% of Hyprop’s holding in Sycom. The effective date of the transaction is 1 October 2013. Transport Minister Ben Martins warned motor i s t s t h at g ov e r n me nt r em a i ne d committed to e-tolling, adding this would be implemented as soon as the National Council of Provinces passed the enabling legislation. Martins dismissed as ‘unfounded and baseless’ specu lation that the government cou ld reconsider implementation of its unpopular e-toll programme to charge for the use of freeways. “E-tolling is on track. It has been to Parliament and now it’s waiting for approval by the National Council of Provinces and from there it will be implemented. I suggest you get your e-tags now so that you can get a discount,” said Martins. T he M i n i s te r s a id it w ou ld b e t he responsibility of the SA National Roads Agency (Sanral) to collect the tolls. He said he was satisfied with the agency’s ability to do so. The government wants to hold construction company boss W2W'6?????&?R?bF?V?"f?&?2&P?f?V?BwV??G??b&?B?&?vv??r?6?''WF????6???W6?????B&?6R?f????r?'?????rF?V?6?v?&??F??p?6??G&7G2?V6????2FWfV???V?B???7FW ?V'&???FV?6?BF?B&V6W6R?b&??@?6???W6???( 2v??6??B&?6?VBF?R??GW7G'???F?P?&V6V?B7B( 2F?R6??WF?F???6???76????@?&V6V?fVB??&RF??C6??fW76???2?FV?6?@?F?Rv?fW&??V?Bv2&??7F??r?G266?G?F?????&?7W&R???vR?B????F?"&??V7G2??Bv0?gW'F?W"v?&???rv?F?F?R6??7G'V7F???6????W0???&?BF?6?V?WF?R??GW7G'??( ?4T?2???gWGW&Rv???F?RW'6???&W7??6?&??G?F?w&?p?F?R7V?GW&R?bG&?7&V?7??( ?FV??2&W?'FVBF???fR6?B?( ?v^( ?????RF?V?6?v?6??R???B?b?6??G&7B??F??2?( ?F?R&W?'BFG2F?Rv?fW&??V?@??B?6?WBW??6V?F?fW2f?"6????W2F?@?6?R6?V???6???W6?fR&7F?6W2?f?V&?R??W@???6?V?&VW"?t?????d?( ?F?R???&V?Vf?B?`?$T?G2?2F?B??R6??fP?F?&V7Bf?&V?v???fW7F?V?@??BF?R?Vv?6?F????2?????Rv?F???FW&?F????&W7@?&7F?6R6?F??27G'V7GW&P??2V?FW'7F??Bv??&???( ??wwr?&V??r?6?????6????&?6???B??&?6?WW ?( ??F?Vv?V6????0?6??F?F???2&V?V?6???W&6??&?W'G??76WG26??F??VRF??FV?fW"?6?F?fR&WGW&?2??v?V?G??vV?????6FVB?ff?6R?@???GW7G&??6?FW2&P?GG&7F?fR&?F?g&????fW7F?V?B?BFV??7??W'7V7F?fR?( ??G"????f?WF6?W"??$4?0?( ?v?V??B6??W2F??F?7WFW2??F?R'V??@?V?f?&???V?B?F?W6R&P??gFV?fW'?6???6FV@??B??f??fR?77VW2@??V?F??R?WfV?2v??6??v?V?BF?R?V??&??W0???V?B?bF??R?@????W?F?&W6??fR???F?R6?W'G2?"F?&?Vv??&&?G&F????( ??W7F?V??RFR??W&???6??&????4$T?B76?6?F????( ?&V6W6RF?R4?$T?BF?7V?6F????&?f?FW2??&V?Vf?G2??B?2??V??F?B??V?g???p?6?WF?g&?6??7FV@?&?W'G?V?F?F?W2v??????R?6F???F??F?R?4RF?&V6??R?$T?B?( ??G'?6??V???'W6??W72FWfV???V?@???vW"??4P?( ?F?RF?Gf?FvW2?`?F?R?Wr7G'V7GW&Rv?????6???RF?R?7FV@?&?W'G?6V7F?"?V6????&RGG&7F?fRF???6????fW7F?'2?( ????#24&V?W7FFR??fW7F? ??3????