Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa May 2013 | Page 30
increase the value of your property, but additions
that go against the look and feel of the house
can detract from the value. Additionally your
family’s or your own needs may change in a few
years, so plan your remodelling to fit your future.
Keep an eye on the numbers
Even the most meticulous budget can run over.
Chances are high that your remodelling project
will run over what you had budgeted for it, so
before you set your heart on high–end products,
find out what they cost and have a back up in
mind. For essential items that could clean out
your budget research products that have the same
quality but are maybe more budget friendly. Your
alternative is to research home improvement
loans or financing options.
Your team is key
From Ordinary
To Extraordinary
Remodelling your home
t all begins with a dream, your dream
vision for your house. You look at your
home and see skylights, walk in closets,
vaulted ceilings and a Roman bath. But
without the proper planning, your dream
house could turn into a nightmare before you
begin. So before you start to remodel your
home, follow these easy steps and set your
home improvement project on the path to
Draw the dream
Before you decide to consult an architect,
begin to sketch how you want to remodel
your home. If you are thinking of adding
or expanding a room, think about how the
space will be used. You also need to think
about how the new construction will affect
the overall look and feel of your home. There
May 2013 SA Real Estate Investor
are home design software programs that can
help you see what the changes will look like.
Use the web
One of the best ways to get inspiration for your
remodelling and to avoid costly mistakes is to
research the experiences of other homeowners
who have remodelled their homes. There
are a number of websites that offer useful
information on home improvement projects,
where people will post their own experiences
along with reply forums and chat rooms so you
can ask questions and get valuable feedback.
Plan for the future
What are your future plans for the house. If in
a few years you might want to sell your home,
then you need to remodel with this in mind.
A luxury bathroom or added room can greatly
Unless you can take on the entire remodelling
project yourself, you will need to hire people
with the necessary skills to create your dream
home. You will want the people who work
for you to be qualified, licensed and properly
insured. But beyond just checking references,
make sure the people you are working with have
the same dream in mind as you do and know
what you want, there is nothing worse than
seeing your vision for your house chopped and
changed by someone with a different design
vision. Use resources such as the Web and home
improvement sites to find professionals you will
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