Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa March/April 2019 | Page 43

ELECTRICITY How to Go Off-Grid T he recent recommencement of load shedding brings home just how dependent we all are on a continued supply of power in order to go about our daily business and private lives. Added to that electricity and other utility costs continue to rise inexorably. As Anthony Stroebel, GM for real estate services at Pam Golding Properties and a director of the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA), points out, having your home off the grid is becoming imperative, apart from being both a lifestyle and property investment. And there is no shortage when it comes to options.  ‘Since we began using solar panels to heat up our geysers, the available technology and options to reduce our load on the country’s dwindling resources have exploded and are rapidly becoming nearer one’s reach. Apart from which, we increasingly find that green features in a home not only enhance appeal and potentially, value, they also add ‘saleability’.’ Apart from looking into the future of the planet, the question on everyone’s mind is around cost and the time it takes to amortise an off-the-grid investment. As a trend that is only growing in influence, pressure is beginning to build for banks to come up with  more creative lending solutions that offer pre-packaged end-user financing options.  Grahame Cruickshanks, managing executive for market engagement at GBCSA, explains some of the easily-available investment options and the time it would take for these to break even. “Our homeowner awareness campaign identifies three main options towards greening a home. No Cost  ‘This is an interesting one that could also be called ‘no excuse’ and simply suggests that we change our behaviour in order to reduce our consumption.  Here are a few of our favourites.’ • Lower the thermostat on your electric geyser to 55 or 60 degrees and remember to switch it off when you go away for longer periods. • Pool pumps use a lot of electricity. Reduce the time your pool pump runs to 4 to 6 hours in summer and 2 to 3 hours per day in winter. • Ironing also uses a lot of electricity. Separate laundry into essential ironing and items that can be folded and packed away. • Set the washing machine to use cold water (30 degrees) for all clothing colours. • Avoid using the tumble dryer and instead dry your clothes on the wash line. • Geysers are typically the biggest electricity guzzlers in a home. Take shorter showers - ideally no more than two minutes. Low Cost  When you’re ready to invest but not break the bank. The good news is that you have plenty of options. • Install a geyser timer that switches off during the middle of the day. • Target your heat. Use electric blankets and hot water bottles instead of heating an entire room. • Replace your incandescent light bulbs with Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). • Install a low-flow shower head, designed to reduce the water flow while still giving you a great shower. • Install tap aerators – which again reduce the water flow – to reduce the quantity of water you use. • Or opt for motion sensor lights for outdoor security, instead of lights running all night. Invest to save  ‘It goes without saying that some measures might cost more up-front but can pay for themselves off over time from the savings you’ll achieve. More than anything, these expenditures should be seen as investments that not only lower future utility costs but increase the value of your home and create a healthier environment,’ says Cruickshanks. Some of the ways to be smart about this investing-to- save include: • Install a solar water heater. • Consider a heat pump for hot water. • Buy a variable-speed pool pump. • Use a closed-combustion wood stove or fire place. • Ceiling insulation. • Buy energy efficient appliances. • Install a dual flush toilet SA Real Estate Investor Magazine MARCH/APRIL 2019 41