Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa June 2015 | Page 43

TRENDS A Tale Of Four Cities Office and industrial space shows poor to modest growth BY ERWIN RODE A ccording to the latest Rode’s Report on the SA Property Market, office rentals in Sandton, the country’s financial hub and premier office node, are shrinking. The current poor performance of rentals in Sandton comes as no surprise, given office vacancy rates that have been ballooning in recent years. “The best growth in nominal rentals came from Durban and the Cape Peninsula.” In the fourth quarter of 2014, market rentals for grade-A multi-tenanted office property in Sandton were down by roughly 4%. Of concern, is the fact that committed new office developments continue to grow. The square metreage of committed new office developments in Sandton has now moved past the highs of the period from 2006 to 2008. This was when the economy was booming whilst office vacancy rates were low and declining. Similar to Sandton, the performance of rentals in other top suburban office nodes in Johannesburg was also poor to modest. As a result, Johannesburg decentralized as a whole recorded growth of only 2%. On average, rentals in Pretoria (+5%) and Durban decentralized (+4%) fared slightly better. The best performance, however, came from a decentralized Cape Town. Thanks to office vacancy rates that were able to move south, the growth in market rentals in Cape Town accelerated to 10%. An important pillar of the industrial property market, namely the manufacturing sector, remains stuck in a rut. This will explain why growth in industrial market rentals stayed well below the growth in replacement costs. In the fourth quarter of 2014, the best growth in nominal rentals came from Durban and the Cape Peninsula, where rentals were up by 7%. On the Central Witwatersrand and the East Rand, rentals showed slightly lower growth of 5%. Over the same period, building-cost inflation — as measured by the Business Confidence Index (BER BCI) — came in with growth of roughly 9%. This implies that in all of these important industrial conurbations, industrial rentals again contracted in real terms. The implication of this is that the development of new industrial space is becoming more uneconomical, unless a long lease can be signed with a tenant at rentals that reflect a return on building-construction costs. RESOURCES Rode and Associates JUNE 2015 SA Real Estate Investor 41