Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa July/August 2019 | Page 27

A tenant’s guide to evictions W hen renting a property, a question that may pop into your mind is whether or not your landlord can make you move out of the property. Master Practi- tioner in real estate and principal at Just Property, Shaun du Bois and Head of legal at TPN Credit Bureau, Peter Mennen, provide some insight and answers to frequently asked ques- tions regarding evictions. WHAT PROCESS IS MY LANDLORD RE- QUIRED TO FOLLOW IF HE WANTS TO EVICT A TENANT? According to Section 14 of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) a land lord can make you move out before the end of a lease period if: The tenant breaches the terms of the lease If the tenant fails to remedy a breach within the required terms If the terms under which the landlord may terminate are stipulate din the lease and do not constitute an unfair practice, as per Section 4(5)(c) of the Rental Housing Act. The Prevention of Illegal Eviction (PIE) Act, provides support and protection to tenants against the unfair practise that could be carried out by landlords. Landlords are also required to follow the letter of the law. The legal landscape is complicated and due diligence must be done before any evictions are made. I HAVE DEFAULTED AND CANNOT PAY THE RENT. I HAVE BEEN TOLD TO VACATE THE PREMISES. WHEN I SIGNED MY LEASE, I GAVE MY MOTHER’S ADDRESS AS AN ALTERNATIVE RESIDENCE, BUT SHE PASSED AWAY RECENTLY, AND I HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO. WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS? If a tenant remains in a property after the lease agreement has been lawfully cancelled, you become an ‘unlawful occupier’. The term ‘squatter’s rights’ is sometimes referred to, but is not a term associated with South African Law. The landlord will have to follow due process and obtain an eviction order through the Court to evict the tenant. The litigation process can be contested, however, attorneys’ fees can be costly. Tenants are advised to seek an amicable solution to the issue before the matter ends up in the courtroom. In some cases, the owner may well be lenient and allow tenants remain for another month. If tenants are allowed to remain, they will remain liable for rental and possibly contractual damages. HOW MUCH WARNING IS AN OWNER EXPECTED TO GIVE A TENANT IF THEY DO NOT INTEND TO RENEW THE LEASE? According to Section 14 of the CPA: Tenants should be given between 40 -80 business days’ notice of the landlord’s intention to renew the lease agreement for a further term. This can also be applied to other contractual agreements outside of rentals. In ideal circumstances it would be helpful to inform a tenant in a timeous manner but circumstances do not always permit more than the legal minimum. LEGAL IF A LANDLORD DECIDES TO SELL THE PROPERTY BEFORE THE END OF THE LEASE, WHAT OPTIONS DO THEY HAVE, AND WHAT OPTIONS DO TENANTS HAVE? This point is often misunderstood. Tenants often believe that the principle of ‘Huur Gaat Voor Koop’ (the lease comes before the sale) is always applicable and this is not the case. As pointed out previously, under section 4 (5)(c) of the Rental Housing Act, the landlord (seller) is legally entitled to include a clause in the lease agreement that allows for the cancelation of the lease when they intend to sell the property, but this must happen before the sale has been agreed. This is a clause that should be included in every lease agreement. It is important to note that the rights of a bank that has bonded the property will take precedence over a tenant’s rights. If the landlord has not met his responsibilities to the bank in terms of a mortgage agreement that was registered before a lease with the tenant was signed, then the bank may put the property on auction. The sheriff of the court must try to sell the property with the lease in place but if this is not possible, the sheriff will proceed to sell the property without the lease in place. IS IT LEGAL FOR A LANDLORD TO SELL THEIR HOUSE WITHOUT OFFERING TO THE TENANT FIRST? Many tenants believe they have the first option to buy or a right of first refusal over a property they are renting, however for this to be the case, a clause providing such a right must be put in writing. This clause must be included in the lease agreement or in an addendum that is signed by both parties, which is seldom done. It is important to differentiate between a right of first refusal and an option of purchase. An option to purchase is a far stronger right for the tenant and should be agreed before the lease is entered into. This gives the tenant the right to purchase the property at a pre-agreed amount during the subsistence of the lease and should the tenant elect to exercise this option. If this is applied, the landlord would be obligated to sell the property on those terms. A right of refusal means that if during the duration of the lease, a landlord elects to sell the property and is ready to accept an offer on said property – the landlord must first offer the property to the tenant (at an equal or higher purchase price than the one already offered). If the tenant does not exercise this right of first refusal, the landlord will be entitled to sell to the third party purchaser. It is rare that these clauses are included in a lease. Despite this, it is always good practice to offer the tenant the opportunity to purchase the property in the event that the property is placed on the market as it would make for a simpler process that would incur the least disruption. RESOURCES Just Property SA Real Estate Investor Magazine JULY/AUGUST 2019 25