Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa July/August 2019 | Page 13
‘Walking Bus’ programme, which ensures the safety of school
children in communities where violence is an every-day fact of life.
In recent times, Bellville has come into the investor spotlight
as an area that holds much potential for development in terms of
property but also in building an integrated urban landscape. We
With the efforts of the various departments within the
asked the Mayor about the City of Cape Town’s Urban Catalytic
municipality, Cape Town has been awarded numerous accolades.
Projects and their impact on the Bellville area.
This includes Cape Town International Airport being recognised as
“In March 2016, the City of Cape Town’s Council adopted the
Africa’s Leading Airport for the third consecutive year at the 2019
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategic Framework which
World Travel Awards Africa and Indian Ocean Gala Ceremony held
introduced a new approach to integrated spatial and transport
in Mauritius in June 2019.
planning. The TOD Strategic Framework determines the City’s
As the Executive Mayor of COCT, Plato plays a pivotal role in
approach to long-term development by prescribing how new
ensuring the maintenance of the city and its residents.
developments across Cape Town should happen and how
About Plato
existing public infrastructure should be transformed to deal with
apartheid spatial inequality, the high cost of public transport, and
Known for his dedication to public service, Plato has made a
urbanisation while also stimulating economic growth.
name for himself in the community.
Bellville is described as the second
Before moving into the political
metropolitan node in Cape Town. Despite
scene as a politician, Plato served as
There is significant potential
the potential as a catalytic site within Cape
the Cape Town Chairperson for the for renewal and redevelopment Town, the Bellville central business district
South African National Tuberculosis
(CBD) is currently under performing in
given the excellent location
Association. Throughout his career,
comparison to other business nodes.
Plato has embodied a deep passion
The areas of specific concern include
range of land uses in terms
for the upliftment of disadvantaged
commercial value, street front retail,
of residential, commercial,
building completions, office rentals and
In 1996 Plato made his move into
retail, industrial and public
vacancies. This underperformance is
politics as he was elected ward councillor
of particular concern as the retail and
facilities. The central areas
of Belhar, Uitsig and Ravensmead. In
industrial sectors are the traditional
have enormous potential
over eight years of dedication to the
strongholds of the Bellville economy. These
for employment and skills
community, Plato has proved that he is
challenges motivate the need for greater
development, but is in need of involvement from the City in regenerating
focused on social upliftment and poverty
the Bellville CBD, meaning the City must
In the 2000s, Plato was the Chairperson
take the lead in igniting the full potential of
of the City of Cape Town’s (COCT)
this area with public investment.
Economic Development, Tourism and Property Management
Bellville’s strategic location within the metro shows that
Portfolio Committee.
it has the potential to become an accessible precinct, which
For a period of three years, from 2006 to 2009, Plato served
could increase residents’ social and physical mobility. Given the
as the Mayoral Committee Member for Housing. Although Plato
current social disparities within the area, Bellville could contribute
currently holds the position of Executive Mayor, this is not his first
significantly to the City’s spatial transformation priorities and
Mayoral role. He took over from Helen Zille as Mayor in 2009 after
the aim to address the legacy of apartheid spatial planning.
she became Western Cape Premier. Having played a key role in
Both the economic and social context of Bellville highlight the
the 2010 World Cup hosted in South Africa, Plato’s and the COCT’s
unique potential of this area, as well as the role the City can play
efforts were recognised, when the Department of Cooperative
in leveraging regeneration through greater public-led investment.
Governance nominated Cape Town as the ‘best run city in South
The aim is to give effect to spatial transformation through
investment in public infrastructure (such as public transport) that
Placing the communities needs above his own, Plato has
supports mixed-use, high density development, modelled around
attempted to change the dynamic of existing ‘rural’ communities.
a significant transit station. In order to address the challenges
In particular, gang violence plagues Cape Town. It spills over into
faced, the development objectives are to facilitate:
other communities and poses harm to other residents. As the
provincial Minister of Community Safety in the Western Cape
Delivery of mixed-use integrated development;
Government, Plato met with rival gang bosses during his first
Creation of employment opportunities;
term as Provincial Minister to broker peace between them in the
Delivery of affordable, mixed-income housing
community, in efforts to bring about positive change.
Throughout his political career, Plato has shown a strong
Private investment opportunities to support economic
focus on pressing issues, from addressing the problems in drug-
growth; and
ridden communities to leading campaigns, such as 'Keep Cape
Connectivity through investment in integrated public
Town Clean’ to rid the communities of rubbish and waste. Other
transport services.
programs that he has implemented include the renowned,
an Plato is currently serving as the Executive Mayor of the
City of Cape Town, leading the municipality of one of South
Africa’s most prominent cities.
SA Real Estate Investor Magazine JULY/AUGUST 2019