Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa July 2013 | Page 47

COMMERCIAL ABOVE LEFT: Greatermans Department Store Before Refurbishment in shocking condition, which became hijacked after we gave notice to the residents to vacate so that the building could be refurbished. We have been involved in court battles trying to obtain an eviction, for about four years. Besides the holding cost on the investment value, other costs such as legal fees, security costs and Council charges build up very quickly.” “The courts have ruled that the City Council is responsible to provide alternate accommodation to the low-income occupants, but they fail to do so, and the process drags on. While Council has hardly delivered to this market sector despite being told to do so by the Courts, it has also unfairly become the burden of the Joburg Council and the Joburg ratepayers to foot the bill for the huge urbanisation taking place in the country, and also the huge migration from Africa into Joburg, both legal and illegal. Joburg inner city is seen as a place of opportunity to make money, and trade in the city is massive,” explains Renney. Along with these problems come the very visible problems faced in the inner city of service delivery and the billing system of the Johannesburg City Council. A city, which is dirty, poorly maintained and mismanaged, creates a poor environment for investment. Any capital interventions by the Council tend to deteriorate, as there are simply no on-going maintenance plans. Despite service delivery protests and this issue becoming a hot news ABOVE RIGHT: After Refurbishment topic as residents become fed up with the lack of service delivery, will this bring about change? towards public transport, bicycle routes and pedestrian walkways”. Johannesburg Executive Mayor Clr Mpho Parks Tau said in his State of the Cit y Address that in the 2013/2014 financial year alone, the City would spend R7.3 billion on infrastructure, a 37% increase compared with the current year’s infrastructure spend of R4.6 billion. Expenditure on the maintenance of the current infrastructure would be increased from 2.5% to more than 7% of the city’s annual budget, he said. The Executive Mayor said the new spatial master plan would “transform apartheid settlement patterns and build and vibrant middle-class environment, where everyone can feel safe”. Despite the vow to clean up the crime and grime, it still remains to be seen whether this will be implemented effectively and maintained, after all it doesn’t matter what plans are implemented if there is little or no follow through. T he massive in f rast r uc t u re spend ing w i l l resu lt in Johannesburg competing favourably with other major cities on the African continent, where seven of the world’s fastest growing economies are found. Of the R7. 3 bi l l ion t h at wou ld b e s p ent on infrastructure in the 2013/2014 financial year, which starts on July 1, R450 million would be channelled into the inner city to address issues such as crime and grime, poor urbanisation, overcrowding and safety. Despite these challenges there is still a lot of positivity surrounding the CBD and the inner city as developers continue to change the face of the inner city and provide much needed affordable housing. The urbanisation of Johannesburg’s CBD has had a positive effect on the city, it has become the permanent abode of hundred of thousands of residents and their children. The slogan “Live Play Work Shop” defines the city. There is also the hope that government and council will become more engaged and work together with developers and each other to see real change happen. Renney says: “The City is changing and redeveloping at a rapid pace, despite the lack of Government and Council assistance. Imagine what could be achieved if these two public bodies performed.” A s pa r t of t he 10 -yea r R 110 bi l l ion infrastructure expenditure programme, the city is to introduce a high-density residential development – described as the new “Corridors of Freedom” – that would not only change Johannesburg’s urban landscape, complete with new transport arteries, but would also represent “a decisive move away from private vehicle use RESOURCES AFHCO July 2013 SA Real Estate Investor 45