Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa July 2013 | Page 45

COMMERCIAL Outlying towns in the Eastern Cape such as Sterkspruit – situated just before the Lesotho border, and Mthatha and Tsolo in what was formerly known as the Transkei, are experiencing an increased demand for retail space, reports Amanda de Lange, portfolio manager of JHI Properties, based in Port Elizabeth. JHI operates in the area along the Eastern Cape from Mthatha through to East London, King Williamstown, Sterkspruit and Queenstown. “Currently we are receiving a high number of enquiries for retail space in Sterkspruit and Mthatha, mainly as a result of a pent-up demand as well as growing passing trade. It also appears that national retailers, who may perhaps have saturated the market in major centres, are now looking at outlying areas with potential,” says de Lange. One example of a retailer who has acted with foresight in this regard is Shoprite. With over 1500 stores, it is Africa’s largest grocery chain and is in a prime strategic position as it has already penetrated the rural market quite effectively. Two Shoprite stores owned by a community property fund, in Diepsloot and Tembisa, enjoyed the highest turnover per square metre of any Shoprite outlet in SA over the past two years. Futuregrowth portfolio manager James Howard said Shoprite has a long history of investing in township and rural property even before returns looked promising. “Shoprite has backed rural development for the past 15 years, before these areas were seen as investment hotspots. We have seen land in places that are considered ‘no-go areas’ develop into attractive ... stores.” Diepsloot and Tembisa were not the only township areas that were experiencing property investment, he said, pointing to investors’ confidence in townships and high-density areas. “It is specifically retail that creates the base of a new development node that other initiatives can then benefit from, including Bridge City in the KwaMashu area in KwaZulu-Natal, which was built over a commuter railway station and has a new magistrate’s court and a hospital being built.” And with a significant increase in the development of townships and rural areas, this is a new market for national retailers. A growing rural retail lanscape Kenak ?X[[??[^?X?]\??][???]??[?\??[??X][??H???^[\B??[?]??Y\?????\[??\?[?]Z[?]?[?Y[???[???XZ?8?&\????[[X[??Y?8?'\?\?H??]\?H[??\?Y[?[??B?]?HXYH??\?[????[?X[H^[?[?? ? p??[?H?]\?K?\\????HB??[YH?X??[?Z??X[??\??[??\?????x?&[[???H???[??][??X\?[??H?[YB?]HX[??[????H??[][?]K??'HB??[?[????[?Z??X[?\?Y]?]]X??^?][Y[? ?H\??[??? ?]?\?[?\??H?\?[??^\?]?Z[X?K?\??[HX??Y ???????[??H?Y][?[?X????][???[??Y????^K\\?[???Y\?[??[?B???X[YY[???[?Z??X[ [????X?H[?????]K?H??]]?H??[Y[??[??????H?[?Z??X[?X?X????Y?K?]?X\?B?? L 8?'Z?\??'H[?XYK\?[?X?]]?H]B?[Z[??[???][????[?Z??X[?\??????[[??H?YY[?H??[][?]K???'H[??X\?H[?^[?X?H[???YH[?????\?[??\?[\?X\?\??[?Y\?H?]?X\??]???][?[?]Z[\??8?'H?^\??[???XZ??&\?Y]\?]X???\??8?'?[?Z??X[??]?\?]?\??]X\??]X??\?????]Y??X?x?&\?XY[???]Z[[??\?[???[??[?\?\???X][??HX\?[???[??^\?Y[??K??H[??\?Y[?H?X]]Y?[?[??H^[?][??]X[]H?[?\?\??'HH NH p??X[\?YX[B?X?Y[??H??[^?X?]8?&\??Y??\?????\??]H?]?Y[?\?XH?[?B?[? ?  ??\??[?[?\?[X]Y??]Z[?[?X[??K ??[[???\?Y\?H ? p?????]K?\????[??\?[?[??[??YH?]???X??\?X[??\ ?X????\??X?KZ??YH???\]X??[?\???[??[??H[?X??[??] Y?\?X?]?KY[?]KY?] ?\?[?TH ]?]?H?[?[???[?Z??X[Y H[?[????] ?H?Z[???][?[?[?H?Y[?[?\?\??[?H?[XZ[?[?? L?H?HX[ ????T??T??T??[?X??K?[???XZ??\?H??\?HX[?Y?[Y[???[H ? L??H?X[\?]H[??\???? ??