Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa July 2013 | Page 33

RESIDENTIAL removed. Some credit bureaus require that you also complete a Rescission Form. Remember, the credit bureaus have up to 20 business days to remove the information. f. Bankruptcy/insolvency is a last option to consider only in extreme circumstances if you cannot settle the payments or come to a negotiable settlement, but it is an option. Sometimes a person may find that he cannot be sequestrated as he does not have sufficient assets to prove to the court that there will be a benef it for creditors when his assets are liquidated and distributed amongst his creditors and then a court may refuse to grant a sequestration order. Normally you could first opt for debt review, debt administration or assistance in payment arrangements by an attorney. Step 8 - Opting for Debt Administration Meyer de Waal says that an application for debt administration does not constitute a 100% proper blacklisting. So what actually happens? W hen t he consu mer appl ies for debt administration, a copy of the court application is served upon the consumer’s credit providers. Usually, at this point, the credit providers opt to make a note on the credit bureaus’ sites to indicate (warn) that the consumer is under debt administration. This action by the credit prov iders is usually a measure to ensure that they do not extend any further credit to the consumer, without knowing that he/ she is under debt administration and / or without obtaining the written consent of the consumer’s appointed administrator [it’s compulsory to obtain consent as per the NCA – S89 (2)(a)(ii)]. Usually consumers, who are placed under debt administration, are those consumers who cannot be helped through debt counselling, as: 1. the installments that they are able to offer could be too small; 2. one or more of the credit providers have already taken legal action and as such those accounts cannot be rearranged through debt counselling; 3. there are one or more garnishee orders against the consumer and the only way to address those specific debts (and have the garnishee orders cancelled) is through debt administration. Typically, the consumer who is placed under debt administration is not an ideal candidate for sequestration, as the consumer would not have enough assets or any assets, which could be liquidated in the sequestration process. The Magistrates Court Act 32 of 1944 limits the amount of debt to be placed under administration at R50 000. Step 9 - Opting for debt counselling or debt review Debt counselling or debt review is another pro ce s s t h rou gh wh ic h ov er-i ndebte d consumers are assisted. In these cases, there is no limit o ?H[[?[??X? ?X???[?B?X?Y[?\?X??]?Y]?H??H[???Y?\?X???[??[????Y?\?\????[Y\??[?\??X??]?Y]??H?]\???Y]?\?X]\? \?\??H?XHH??K?????\?H?X?YZ[?\??][?X]\??\?HY][?[X?\?[??Y\???\HYZ[?\??]????[???]X??]?Y]?X]\??H???[Y\?\???[??Y??Z[??[?H?\?\??Y]?[?[?\?X??]?Y]?????]?]\?H?^KZ?HX?[?[???YB?[?\??[????HH?\?[???\??X?Y?[?[??\????T??T??T??\???\?]??^\?^H?Y?]?]?\???I?H?]??[?[???&P??Y[??S??\??[??X?B?K?H?H??[[?H?^H??\[???\?O??[?[?H?^H[?\??[??X?H?YH??\[?[?B?\?HX?H?\???[\?H[?\??YH?H[Y[?[?H\?Y?[?^[?]?[?\??YH[??[X?[??[?H?[?\?\?[??Y[???]?[?[??Y???\??\??\??????[?\?\??[?]\?H?\?K[X??X?[??][???[??[[\???Z][?\???\?K??H?[YH?H?YH[??\?XX?H[??X\?\??]?Y[??H[YH[?H?Y????X???[Y[??[?B?[YH[?\??YH\???\]K?]?[??H??[??]???X??[?X[?YH?][?H?X?\?]H\?]H[?H?\???\????][?\?H?\?H?\?H??[[?]H[?YY[???[[?^\???[X[?H?[Z][K????H?]?\?[??[?H]?H??H?Z[[????H?]\?O?^H?\?[???Z[[????H?]\?H\??[X\?[H]?^H?X??YH[?H[?[?H[??\??Y[?[B????˜?Z[XY????B????Y[?H][\?[??[?\??HX?????Y\???YX?HB?[\X??H[??\??Y[? ???H?]\?H??\[?X\??]Z?H?????\?[ ?[[????\[?[?\?X\??]\?Y??X?[???H??\??ZYH?X????HX\??] ???]?\??\??H\?H??\?[???X?H?\?H??[[?]H[?H?\?B??[??HX\??] ?H]?H???\?[?H????[???Y??]H?X?\??[??\?Y\??[H?B??[\H?X??[Z]Y?\H[?Y?[X[????\?\H???X? ???H[YHH?]X??]?\?H[?H?Y[\?X\??]?[??[?H?]\?O?H?YHH?X???HX\??][??X??H?\?]B?[??X\?[??[??[YH???\?[?H?\?HYX\?????YK?\?Y\?[H?H[Z]Y?\H[?B?]?\?Z[??X\?[??[X[???]X[]H?Y\??][???X?\?]H\?]\?[??[YH??][??H?Y[HX\??]???\?[?[??[?YH?[??X\?H[?[?H?][??][???\?H?^??\H?YX\??[??[?H?\??[??X\?H[??X[\?\?Y?\?] ?? ?H?]?[??[???\?H?[?H?HB?[Y\??[???H?YHHY?H[??X\?H[?[??Y?X?][??\??[?\?X\???Y[???X?\?KX[?Y?XX?H?^?Y??\?Y\??\??[[??YHH[??Y?X?][??\?X\?\[???????Y\?Y8?'?\?[8?'H?]?][?H\??[?Y?K????[H ? L??H?X[\?]H[??\?????B??