Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa July 2013 | Page 26

STRATEGIES BY KOOS DU TOIT Investigate thoroughly Before you buy-to-let I t is widely known that selecting the right investment properties is fundamental to the success of your property investment business. The benefits of choosing the right property are legion: you can be almost assured that you will enjoy good capital growth for many years, that you will be able to attract the right type of tenant, that the property will rarely - if ever - be vacant, and that the maintenance and upkeep costs will be reasonable. Yet, one of the biggest pitfalls that property investors step into is buying a property without conducting a thorough investigation. This may be because investors rarely understand what a thorough investigation encompasses. For this reason, the P3 Investment Group has narrowed down their stringent criteria for a good investment opportunity to 10 crucial variables that all investors can apply to their investment decisions. 10 crucial variables to investigate 1. Price – Given the spectacular returns an investment in a buy-to-let property produces, it isn’t necessary to hunt for “bargains” only. However, you should never pay more than the reasonable market value. 2. Rental income – Contact several rental agencies in the area to establish what the average rental for the property under consideration will be, as well as whether there is rental demand for such a property. 3. Break-even – Most investment properties will require the investor to carry an initial monthly shortfall, the difference between the rental income and the property expenses. As the rental increases year after year, this shortfall amount diminishes until the rental covers all 24 July 2013 SA Real Estate Investor the property expenses and break-even point is reached. Calculate what the monthly shortfall will be each year and how long it will take to reach break-even, to ensure you are able to fund these shortfalls comfortably and that the period it will take to reach break-even point is acceptable. 4. Condition of the property – The older the building, the higher the maintenance and repair costs are likely to be. And, in general, the better the condition of the building, the higher the rental potential. 5. Vacancy – The rental demand in the area in which the property in located is crucial, but even where the demand is high, smart investors calculate a vacancy factor into their cash flow calculations. 6. Area – What is the general condition of the area in which the property is situated and its longer term prospects for growth and development? This will determine the capital growth rate you can expect on the property over the years. 7. Levies and taxes – How much will you have to pay in levies, rates and taxes and how do these compare to similar areas? The levies, rates and taxes on a property can have a significant inf luence the bottom line of a property investment. implementing changes that could increase the yield? Can you subdivide, extend the unit, renovate or add a garage? 10. Bank valuation – Does the bank validate your decision to acquire the propert y by granting a mortgage bond? T hese 10 cr ucia l va r iables shou ld be investigated for every single property you evaluate. If it seems like too much work or effort, it might be better to harness the skills and expertis H?H??\??[?[??\?B?[??\?Y[???[?\?][???]?HYX?]Y?X[\????\?[??HX\??]????\?Y\?]?YY]\?H?\]Z\?[Y[?????H?X?Z\??Y[X?\???[??[X?H[????Z\?[??????\?\?[??\?Y?][????\?HX?????B?[??\???\??[??[??\????[?\?H?[??\?H^H?[?XZ?HH?Y???X?H\??][?]KX\?[??\??KY\?Y?Y???\?K?X??\?H ???\?H?X[X[?Y?\??X??[???[??\????8?'???[??H?]\?x?'H[??\??\??H]X[]H?H[??\?Y[???[?]B?]ZX??H[?X??\?][K??? ?HY???X?[]H[?\?\???\????8?$??[??[?H??Y??X?H?[?H[?]X[???[??\??[\?[?\?\??]H[??X\?\??X?[??Y\??HY?][[??[?[? [Y\??[??H?\Z\????[?^X?YXZ[?[?[??O???XH???\?H[??\??????\?[?B?[?[Y?[?H[??\?Y?]H]?\?H??\?B?[??\?Y[???[?]K?H????[??B???[??\?[H[?\?[??Y?HZ[?[XYB????\?H][???[H?\HH?[YB???[??[??[X?[??]\?XH?]?\?H??\?K??\????H[??\?\?]^H?[X??B?H?X[??[?]Y\??][??[?X?\?[B???[X?H?\??[??[??X?Y?]B??[X?\????[?]Y\???K?P????8?$???]X??????H?[?H]?H?\?H??\?H[?\?\???? ?[??\?Y[???\???T??T??T????˜?Z[XY????B??