Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa December - January 2014 | Page 60
High Ceilings and Cool Floors
Make for a free flowing home in the Bush.
andspruit Bush & Aero Estate is
a 1000 ha, luxury wildlife estate
situated in the beautiful setting of
the African Bush veld. Surrounded
by some of South Africa’s most famous
tourist attractions, you are spoilt for choice
when it comes to activities. Whether you
wish to spend your time quietly beside your
pool, relaxing and rejuvenating or pulsating
through the Blyde Canyon rapids, you will not
be disappointed.
However, investing in a second home or
holiday home is not a decision to be taken
lightly. At Zandspruit we understand this and
wish to give you the ultimate experience
in bush veld living. We also take the time to
Whethe r you’re bui l d i ng T hatch o r
Farmhouse, you are exposed to high
ceilings, promoting excellent airflow and
cool temperatures. The Farmhouse and
Pavilion style homes give you the option to
put in a ceiling or expose beautifully finished
roof trusses. Thatch roofs also have the option
Zandspruit bush homes are uniquely of being stained dark to enhance the wood
designed to give you the coolest living colour or you can choose to white wash your
environment for the hot climate. Choose beams for a lighter effect.
from a range of floor options which include
tiles or cement screed. Cement screed is No matter the choice you will guaranteed a
offered in a range of colours to suit your home that is stylishly built with that relaxed,
colour choices and design finishes. You open holiday feel. There’s nothing better
can also finish off your floors with a beautiful than to experience your holiday feeling
edging to represent your taste and add comfortable and safe in a beautiful home
built just for you.
ambience to your rooms.
ensure that your home away from home
expresses your personal flair and taste while
keeping in line with the bush veld living
theme. There are 3 different styled homes to
choose from, each with their own size and
design variations.
December January 2013/4 SA Real Estate Investor