Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa December - January 2014 | Page 45
spread and reduced my risks over nine properties
with the added benefit of long term growth.
I’ve met so many great people and had so many
good opportunities, turning this scam experience
into a positive. I never stopped believing that my
business would be successful; this motivated me
to push myself forward to succeed. Setbacks are
part of any business, they are temporary, and do
pass. Property investing is a passion that will
never end. I have just completed building a one
bedroom granny flat and I never expected it to
be so challenging, as I was dealing with builders
and constant changes. On the positive side, I
found the experience exciting, and the results
instantly gratifying.
ourselves by interviewing and only taking
qualified tenants. This enables us to control our
business, eliminating rental losses, breaches
of contracts and attending to repairs quickly.
We also keep in constant communication with
our tenants via Internet and telephone. My
tweaked version of Gordon McKay’s Tenant
Control Administration System keeps our
administration side of the business running
smoothly. The benefit of having my daughter in
the business gives me the opportunity to pass on
my values and entrepreneurial mentality, while
teaching her how to run a business successfully
and building a future legacy.
At 43, I was able to easily add eight properties
in five years to my portfolio and increase our
passive income with little effort. Today, I am
focusing on being a positive mentor for my
daughter so she can continue this ever-growi ??Y?X?K????Y??HH\??\?HH??\?KH??????[YH[??HX[?H\?[???X?Y8?&\?8?'??&]?H]?\?Y?B???]Y?x?'H[??\?[??H?[X?\??Y\???]]?B??\????H[??\??\?H[???YHY?[?\?][????\?Y\?]???X?\??\?H?[?[?\?B?[??[??Y??YX\???H]ZX??H?[??][??[B?H?[??Z\?HH?[?[[???YH[?[?\?]B???]]?HX[????\?Y]?\????X?HH\??\?HH?[X?\???[?]?[??H?Z[[???XZ?HHX[?Y?[??\?X?X\?Y\???X?[?KHYY^H]Y?\???\????[???\?[?\???HX[?Y?H?\???\?Y\??H?[[??H?\?Y]?\???[??[??[?[?\??X]]?H[?Y???X?H?^\??[\??H[?[?\??\?H\?H?]??][Z]Y??[????YH[???H]?H??[?]ZX??[?X\?B????˜?Z[XY????B??\?N??KY[?[Y[[??H?]?[??Y?\??\?[??^\?[?????[?????[??]?[??\??\???H]ZX??\??\??[?[YHYX[?H?]??\?B?[[YYX][H?[?X?H[???X?Y[???YK??B?X?[?????H]?Y\??[?^H\\?Y[??[??\??[??[H[???H?Y???H\\?Y[??B???[[??X\?HH?[?[?H?\?[???Z[?[??H[?]?[?H?]\?[???\?Y??XZ?\?[H\?X?H[??\?X[H\X[[????[[XZ[?Z[?Y[?]?[??X\?H???\[??B??]\?[?[???Y\?\?[?[??\H?[B???X?[???\?\??]?H?^H[???X??]B?XZ[?[?[??H\????[??Y\YH[???YY??[?H\??[?X]\???\?]?\????X?H?B?\??\?H??H???]H[??[?[???X\\?????X????]?[?[???X?X[]?Y\?Y?\?[?\?\?[?[??\?Y[???H?\??[?H???[?H??\?Y\?[??Y[??^B??YKZY??\?H??\?Y\?\?HX\??[??YH[??[???YH[?[??\?[??]H?[?H??Y??X?B?[?^H?]\?[Y[?[?]^H]Y?\?\?B?\??]?H[???YK?X[?H[?HZY?[??]8?&\?\??[??\?[???\?K?]8?&\?[X??]?[?[????Y][???Y[??Y?X\??[??[?YX?][??[?\??[?[?[?][??][???X?X?HH????&]][?\????[YY???Y\[?H???HXZ?[??[?\??X[\?H?X[]K???X?[X?\??[?X\?H?L???H?X[\?]H[??\????