Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa December 14/ January 15 | Page 43

COMMERCIAL REI COMMERCIAL Go-Dove re-appointed to auction Telkom properties Expert Q&A Kim Faclier, Go-Dove SA Managing Director for Property G o-Dove has been re-appointed to dispose of properties around South Africa on behalf of Telkom. Kim Faclier, Managing Director of Property for Go-Dove SA (Pty) Ltd says, “It’s an honour to be re-appointed by Telkom to again assist in disposing of the telecommunications parastatals numerous properties, through live and on-line auctions.” In March, more than R130 million worth of properties were sold by public auction in Cape Town, Gauteng and Bloemfontein, by Go-Dove’s lead auctioneer, Joey Burke. “More than 24 000 page views took place on the Go-Dove website, with more than 2 145 bids placed over a 24 hour period,” says Faclier. “The Go-Dove back-end system allows full tracking capabilities of the entire bidding history from registration right through to the end of the sale, all in real time. The system provides the transparency, corporate governance and full audit capabilities that Go-Dove’s large corporate, parastatal and government client base require. “Go-Dove’s proprietary-owned software, provided two additional successful on-line auctions. Another 25 properties were sold, and for this auction more than 894 bids were placed through the on-line system, with 72 registered bidders and 14 640 page views on the website.” Mark Kleyhans National Commercial Head Aucor Property The auction environment has seen growth over the past year and has shown mettle in the face of external factors. The market is a dynamic one and as buyers and sellers come to realise the true benefits of using the auction method as a preferred sales mechanism, we are seeing excellent volumes of both quality stock and buyers at auctions. 2014 has been a phenomenal year. In 2015, we can expect online bidding to grow in popularity, the same world-class auction expertise, great investment opportunities and excellent service for all buyers and sellers. Amelia Beattie Chief Investment Officer Stanlib Direct Property Investments Issues such as unsecured lending, most especially in retail, pose a further risk and have the potential to derail the sector as the practice is placing large amounts of stress on the economy. This brings the subject of current business rescue legislation under the spotlight, as it is not serving the needs of all the parties, and in fact prejudicing some. It forces landlords to accept greatly reduced rentals and not allow cancellation of the l