Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa August/September 2019 | Page 6

EDITORS LETTER Celebrating Women in the industry A s we celebrate Women’s month, this August – it is important to pay tribute to women in the industry and understand the challenges they face. On the 9th of August 1956, 20 000 South African women of different races and backgrounds marched to Union building against the unjust laws suggested in the proposed amendments to the Urban Areas Act. On this historic day in South African history, women stood in a peaceful protest chanting, “Wathint’Abafazi Wathint’imbokodo!” meaning “Now you have touched the women, you have struck a rock”. Women across the world are continuously fighting for equal rights and South African women in all industry’s continue this battle. Our Master Investor for this month, Leah Knott, the MMC for Economic Development for the City of Johannesburg provides insight into her success and her aims to rejuvenate Johannesburg’s CBD. As we focus in Women in property, some industry experts provide their personal experience as a female in the property sector, sharing their struggles and achievements. Founder of the Property Coach and Italian property expert, Carlo Mariani shares the heartfelt story on his mother along with highlighting the achievements of women in the industry. The article promises to tug on your heartstrings and offers food for thought on the developments that women in the industry are pioneering. For first time home buyers, the financial costs can be daunting - we take a closer look at managing finances and budgeting for your first asset purchase. This helpful and in- depth article provides useful tips and financial costs to consider when purchasing a home. ARTICLES Submit contributions to [email protected] 4 FACEBOOK Find us on RealEstateInvestorMagazine AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2019 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine As a tenant and landlord it is important to understand your rights including where one can turn for help in a rental dispute. The Rental Tribunal in South Africa is the first point of call and can help both parties resolve a residential dispute. In keeping to par with our educational focus, we have created a useful resource tool for those looking to improve their property knowledge – four property online courses which can take you to the next level. A new feature of this edition is the hospitality review - we will providing readers with an honest and informative view on accommodation across the country, making it easier to pick your next local holiday destination. As we aim to improve and upgrade each edition, we have included a section focusing on new developments across the country – ranging from commercial to residential. With downsizing trend on the rise, we have taken a closer look at how one downscales for retirement – although it may be hard to part with material items, the life rights model paired with downsizing offers an improved quality of life according to experts. The homes of the famous features renowned and Academy- award winning actor, Michael Douglas and his Mediterranean mansion,which is a Spanish island dream. With the winter season keeping us in doors, there is no better reason to grab a cup of coffee and huddle up under the blanket as you read this month’s informative and educational issue. ISHANI CHETTY, EDITOR NEWSLETTER Sign up for our weekly newsletter PRESS RELEASES Submit press releases to [email protected]