Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa August/September 2019 | Page 28
Alternative investment
roperty Assist is a trendsetter in the property
investment space and offers packaged property
investment opportunities. These investment
opportunities are readily available and cover the
residential, commercial and industrial sectors.
These packages offer predetermined contractual
returns, while not exceeding 75% of market value. All
costs are inclusive with yields that are positive from day
one and substantially higher compared to what the
current property market can offer through conventional
investment methods.
“Furthermore, when we package the normal typical
buy-to-let property investments, we present the property
with additional benefits e.g. tax advantages, rental
guarantees, added finishes and more,” said Property Assist
in a statement. Opportunities for more experienced
property investors include joint venture transactions in
developments and other non-conventional opportunities.
Clients are able to achieve property investment returns
while making a positive and potentially life-changing
impact in their life. invest in property. Investment in property will enable them
to purchase a larger property in five years, with money to
spare. “This will allow you to keep on investing and pay a
substantial deposit towards the purchase of your home,”
said Property Assist.
Entering the property market as soon as possible is a
hasty decision and must be made with proper advice from
a reputable property investment company.
“Find yourself an asset originator or property investment
company, instead of spending the time looking for
HOW TO INVEST IN PROPERTY property investment opportunities yourself, if you are not
doing it full time,” said Property Assist.
Property Assist offers capital growth (buy, sell or flip)
opportunities which cover a six to 12-month duration.
This includes income and capital growth, through sale and
repurchase opportunities over a one to five-year duration.
There are also normal buy to let opportunities available.
All opportunities have been screened via a due
diligence process on the property and the property owner
by legal, financial, property, maintenance, sales, property
investment, rental and property management specialists,
before being listed as available to the property investor.
The packages on offer include all the costs not exceeding
75% of market value.
Property investment companies must take into
consideration the investors’ current financial status,
employment and credibility in order to advise the correct
potential investor.
It is easy to say: “Just buy what maximum you qualify for,
so you can enter the market”. This statement in incorrect
and many novice property investors have made this
Many young individuals are incorrectly advised when
they enter the property market. They are advised to
purchase a property to live in and this is not property
investment but rather buying a home.
Property Assist advises that young potential investors
live at the lowest cost possible (with their parents if
required) and utilise their credibility and available cash to
AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2019 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine
“Find yourself an asset
originator or property
investment company, instead
of spending the time looking
for property investment
opportunities yourself, if you
are not doing it full time.”
SOURCES Property Assist