Cyprus leads the way !
Voted best permanent residency programme available in Europe
yprus ’ permanent residency programme has recently been voted as the ‘ best residency programme ’ available in Europe ! Cyprus is a popular choice for investors because of the affordable entry-level investment required to secure residency . Having permanent residency status in another country is highly beneficial to investors , and citizenship in a second country is a growing trend . Cyprus is a safe haven investment destination and provides protection of capital , minimisation of taxes , and a lifestyle that includes travelling visa free to Schengen countries , the UK , the USA and Canada .
The Cyprus permanent residency programme secures residency for three generations in the same family – this is unmatched compared to other programmes available in other European countries .
By buying a property in Cyprus for a minimum of € 300,000 you can secure residency for :
• The main applicant and spouse ,
• All dependent children up to the age of 25 and ,
• Both parents and parents-in-law of the main applicant .
It is the only residency programme in Europe where three generations in the same family all get permanent residency permits for life in only six weeks !
Cyprus is a full member of the European Union and the Commonwealth nations . Having permanent residency is advantageous , as it gives each person the right to live in Cyprus at any time , and no visa is ever required . When you invest in Cyprus you secure long-term Schengen travel visas for you and your family , giving you access to visit any one of the 26 Schengen countries in Europe at any time .
Why should South Africans invest in Cyprus ?
Cyprus is economically stable and politically secure . Properties offer excellent value for money when compared to properties in other European countries . The lush environment is similar to that of the Western Cape . The lifestyle and climate is similar to South Africa ’ s ; golf courses are world-class , the countryside is breathtakingly beautiful , it has the cleanest seas in the Mediterranean with 64 blueflag status beaches , and it has mountain ranges that shows snow for 3 months in the Winter .
No inheritance tax is applicable , which means that in the event of your passing , you can leave your assets to your lovedones tax-free .
There are no broad social issues such as widespread unemployment , poverty , and economic deprivation .
As a result Cyprus has huge investment appeal as a destination for relocation , retirement and holidaymaking .
Other reasons why Cyprus appeals to South African investors are :
The English language is widely spoken - being an ex-British colony means that there is no language barrier ;
Living in Cyprus is not a requirement to retain your residency status ;
You can earn a Euro-based income by renting out your property ;
The education is Euro-accredited - which gives your children and grandchildren a distinct advantage when entering the global job market ;
Other European countries are on your doorstep - Cyprus has two International Airports and several marinas ;
First-world medical facilities and affordable healthcare is readily available .
Join Real Estate Investor Magazine and Cypriot Realty on an investment trip to Cyprus from 22 September – 30 September to visit Cyprus and gain first-hand experience of its beauty and investment potential . Cypriot Realty is offering 4 nights ’ free accommodation in a 5-star hotel in Paphos , Cyprus . To make your booking contact Jenny Ellinas on + 27 83 448 8734 or email jenny @ cypriotrealty . com
50 AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2018 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine