Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa August 2018 | Page 13

COVER FEATURE PART 1 Title Deeds BY WERNER RIEKERT A lmost everyone has heard about the hype around blockchain technology, and for good reason. This new technology is rapidly being adopted commer- cially in almost every business sector despite the vast lack of knowledge and understanding thereof by the general public. However, industry leaders have realized the major impact blockchain, and more so, smart contracts will have on the global real estate market and industries core operations in the not so distant future. One of the implications we will witness in the foreseeable future is property and land titles being moved and run on the blockchain. And there’s an acute need to do this quick- ly as only 30% of land rights are registered or recorded world- wide, according to the World Bank. At the same time, mov- ing essential real estate bookkeeping tasks to the blockchain is a brilliant idea any society can benefit from. Let’s take a closer look. Case in point, Sweden Sweden’s land registry, the Lantmäteriet, is one of the earliest adopters of blockchain. With initial testing already complet- ed, the agency plans to execute its first blockchain property transaction soon. Mats Snäll, chief digital officer at Lant- mäteriet, told the Wall Street Journal that “from the technol- ogy point of view, we are quite ready.” When implemented, it is expected to save taxpayers up to €100m by reducing mu- nicipal hours spent on paperwork and lowering the potential for fraud. Advantages of blockchain Before you can accurately estimate how significant the block- chain revolution could impact real estate, you must know the key characteristics and advantages it offers. Security and availability A blockchain is distributed and consists of thousands of “da- tabases” across the globe that can be hosted by any individ- ual or company. This not only ensures that a blockchain has 100% uptime but also makes it impenetrable by hackers or malicious actors trying to edit or manipulate data. Speed Blockchain offers near real time transaction settlement across the globe. This drastically reduces inefficiencies and risk as- sociated with escrow, chargebacks and transaction cancella- tions. Trustless Blockchain enables individuals and companies to transact with any party without lawyers, escrow or any independent trusted 3rd party to facilitate a transaction. Transparency Blockchain provides complete transparency. Every transac- tion, account, timestamps, value, ownership or any data the blockchain is programmed to store, is openly available to everyone. Why blockchain is perfect for property titles? Fraud and transparency Concerned about your inheritance or recent property pur- chase? You’re by no means alone as real estate remains a lu- crative target for fraudsters. Blockchain is a more secure way of transferring real estate ownership. Right now, this process is not entirely transpar- ent, and the information can be modified or removed. On the contrary, blockchain massively reduces the risk of data manipulation. Its records are incorruptible, and no SA Real Estate Investor Magazine AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018 11