Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa August 2013 | Page 8

INBOX Evictions Buy-to-let Commercial Renting Meyer de Waal Oosthuizen & Co Meyer de Waal Attorneys Adrian Goslett RE/MAX Peter Collins JHI Q Duarte Longuinho Asks: After taking four years to get an eviction order and executing it, the police ordered my body guards out the house after the eviction and the illegal occupiers were allowed back in, what do I do? A Meyer de Waal Responds: After having obtained an eviction order from the court at great cost, in the event of the occupier(s) not vacating the property as ordered, the court may further issue a warrant of eviction, which must be served by the sheriff of the court. This must be done properly, failing which the whole process may be frustrated. The process to be followed is the following: The owner delivers the warrant of eviction to the sheriff, together with instructions to give effect to the warrant. The sheriff, at his discretion, may request assistance from the SAPS. When the sheriff evicts the occupiers, the owner (or someone trustworthy on his behalf) must immediately occupy the premises, armed with his proof of ownership and all the legal documents, of which the eviction order and warrant of eviction are the most important. Anyone (including any member of the SAPS or any other government body) who then attempts to deprive the owner of possession must then be confronted with the documentation and a refusal to vacate the property. The owner must have the number of his attorney at hand, to phone him/her should it prove necessary. Q Julia Barnard Asks: When looking to buy a buy-to-let property, what questions should I ask before signing the offer to purchase? A Adrian Goslett Responds: As with any investment, when purchasing a rental property, it is important to take your time and do your research to ensure that the property you are buying suits your requirements perfectly.   Look at the property’s location. This is one of the most important factors to consider, along with the type of property you are purchasing.  Th H\?XH[??X?H??\?H\???]Y?[?]?H[?[??Y[??H?H?[?[[???YH]?[???[?\?]K\??[\?H??\?x?&\???]\?B?\?X?X][???ZY???\????]\?H???B??[Y[?]Y\??X?\??????[???[???[??\??[?[?\?[H?]?HY?\??X?K?Y??[?H\?H[??[Z[X\??]H]?[?Y[????ZY???\??? ]??[[??XZ?[?[?????\????\?H?\??[?H?[?[??[?]?[??\?K\?^H?[?H[??[XX?H[????Y[??[?H?][\?[?[???X][???H\?XK??H\H???\?H\?[??[\?[??\?[???YH\?X\??X?[?[]H??\?Y\?\?B?[?H?[\??][?[??[???Y\?[?[???\?\???^[\K?\?Y??\?????H\?XH?\?XK???B??ZZ?H?\??Y\?\?????H[H???[??]?[?[??H??[Y\??X[?Z[[??[?H?[??XZ?H?\?H]H[?\?]B????X[ ?Y??HH?Y?HX\?H?]]Y\?[????[H\????]\?\???[H]?H[?HX\?O?]8?&\???[???X?H??????B??]\???[???\?????H?\???\\??[\N??[?\??Y]???B??\?X\???X?[??Y\???[Z[\??YH??\?Y\?[?H\?XH?[?\???X?H[?\?\\?H\?X\?\?X?\?HX\??]?[?[?[?H\?XK??\?[???X][?\?]?Z[X?H???H[??XZ?????[Y\??X[??\?HX[?Y?[Y[???\[?Y\????[Y\??X[????\?Y?\?[?[????[?B??[????[H]\???H?\???YH?]?HX?X[?[?[?\?K??[???X??H?][???\?][?[^[??\???[[?\?XH?X?\?]K?X[?[??XZ[?[?[??B?]?H?X?\?H\??Y??H[?[? \??[?\?H?]\?[?^\???H??\?H?X?\?B?[??^XX?H?HH[?[? ??[??\?H]?[?[?\?H][?Y]H8?'?????'H?]B??X???[[??YH?\?][??????[??]\?^\?\??[???[?[?\?H][?Y?\\?][H\???\?[Y[??^K??\?Y[??[??^K???\?Y?[H[??X?H??\??X\?H??Y[B??X??]??]H?[?[??X[?Y?][???B?[?[???[?HY[?????Y???Y?H?[?[ ??Y?\?H\???[ ?Y?Y?H?[?[ Y][?[??\??\?[??\?H]H?[?\][?]^K?[??Y[??H?[?[\??] \??][?[?\???Y?][?Y???X?[]K????[?H]?HH??\?H]Y\?[?[?H??[Z?H[???\?Y?H?\?^\????Y?????]?T??HVT?????˜?Z[XY????H?[XZ[Y]?X[?Z[XY????B????]Y?\? ? L??H?X[\?]H[??\??????˜?Z[XY????B??