Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa August 2013 | Page 16

COVER STORY true in the property development sector. Although there are a number of other factors such as location, population, catchment area and a local economy, strategic public infrastructure investment can stimulate development in the medium and long term. A case in point is the Gautrain, where commercial nodes around the Gautrain’s stations have seen intensive mixeduse redevelopment taking place in the immediate areas around the stations. Proximity to the Gautrain stations has been a major component of the demand for office space in the areas close to the stations,” comments Paul Barrow of The Barrow Group. According to Courtwell Consulting, while government has in recent years announced several infrastructural upgrades, the roll-out of the entire programme seems to remain very slow. “Unless government employs more skilled decision-makers within its ranks – a process which in itself will take several years – the implementation of its ambitious infrastructure plans will be thwarted by the lack of skilled personnel,” comments Smith. “This means that infrastructural roll-out could remain very slow for at least five years to come which will, in turn, curtail our private sector’s ability to establish and grow new nodes. Our private sector can, however, anticipate eventual infrastructural roll-out by building land banks of virgin land surrounding the intended roll-out areas and, as time and funds permit, procuring the necessary town planning and development rights, so they are ready to act when new infrastructure comes on stream.” “When looking at the nodes around the Gautrain stations and the impact this recent infrastructure development had on property prices, we observed that when combined with an already positive buoyant market, new infrastructure had a positive effect and that these areas outperformed the surrounding areas when comparing price per square metre. But in other areas, the infrastructure development did not translate into the same outperformance. Property investors should therefore evaluate all the other factors that will interact with the new infrastructure development when making investment decisions,” cautions PaulRoux de Kock, Analyst Director: Lightstone. 3. Urbanisation The fast-growing middle class is quickening the trend to rapid urbanisation across Africa, and the influx of people into the cities not only poses major challenges for authorities, but will also significantly alter the urban landscape. 14 August 2013 SA Real Estate Investor The Barrow Group believes that rapid urbanisation offers great opportunities for property development as the influx of people generates greater commercial activity which then drives the demand for retail, industrial and commercial office space. “However, other pressures arise in managing growing populations in confined urban areas,” says Barrow. “Improved public infrastructure and facilities are needed to handle both the growth and densification of the urban population. Decisive and positive government involvement in the provision of adequate baseline infrastructure and services is needed to provide a stable economic setting in which property development in the private sector can flourish.” Coutwell Consulting notes that the most recent census conducted in 2011 indicates that the rate of urbanisation locally – especially within the greater Johannesburg and Cape Town precincts - is of such significance that this mega trend has been underestimated by a long shot. “From the available statistics, it is immediately evident that Gauteng is the most attractive economic destination in South Africa, followed by the Western Cape, and that our largest population group consists of children. As urbanisation continues, therefore, more children will reside in and near the economic hubs. They will require housing, schooling and tertiary education. This creates an obvious opportunity for commercial landlords to develop private schools and colleges and to encourage the establishment and housing of small businesses in H?X??\?H[?\?X\?B??\?[?\???X????'B?X???[???Y???KH?[]Y?[?]\?[?\??][?[H\\?[?\?H[?H??\??\??[???Y?[?\?][?[??[?]?[ ?8?'??]Y??X?H\???^?\[??Y?\??[?\?][?\[??[????[??[???]?X??\??[\??[??[?]?[??X??]?[???B?H[?\]YH??[?]H????\?H[??\???Y?^B??[?[??\?ZXY?H?\??K8?'H??[Y[??H?????? ?X?????H?\[???]????[Y\??[\?YYH[?[ZX?\?Y?[??\?[?X?????H?[??\?H?^H?B????^H[??? ??\?H??\??[?[??\????YY?[?\??[?H??\?]\?H[\X?][?????]Z[ [?\??X[[???X?H??\?K??X???[?????\??[???H[???\?YY?H?[?\??X]Y????X?XX?B???[?]Y\?8?'?\??K\?YY?H?[?\?XYB?????[?????H?YHH?\?H?X[???X?[]K?]?[\?YY\????[???[[?[H?[HXZ[?Z[?[????[][?X?][???XH[XZ[ ??\H[?[?[K??[??\?^\?Y[??K]?\?[?[?[?[[YYX]H?\?B?[???X?]?]K\?[\?YY\?]??Y?[?[???\??[?H?Y??X?[?\?H\??[????Y[???X?B??]X???X??K]\??\??YH]?[?Y[???Z^Y ]\?H?X?[????X?\?Y[???H\??[??H??H?]\???? 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