Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa April/May 2019 | Page 62
Take a Ride in
Our Time Machine
What our property world looks like ten years from now.
t’s 2029 and we want to review the landscape for property
investors. It’s incredible to think that in 2019 (a mere ten
years ago) only 12.9% of the world’s population had access
to property and now this number is over 25%, empowering an
incredible billion people and making significant progress to-
wards reducing the wealth gap.
Technology has enabled this. Firstly, in countries like India
and Africa more than 40% of the population are millennials and
they are tech savvy and ‘only’ use their mobile phones to interact
with the world. They have 100% connectivity and with access
to real time training on e-learning platforms like the Wealth
University, they can learn from the best around the world,
with practical knowledge and they can ‘learn while doing’. This
enables them to build their own skill sets, self-confidence, be
part of like-minded groups and ultimately to invest. Artificial
Intelligence (AI), VR, AR and gamification have completely
changed the way they learn, making it an engaging experience
and one which is far more personalized to their needs. Their
access to such platforms will enable them to find their passion
and purpose and together make a better life for all.
Then when it comes to investing, AI, Big Data and
Algorithms are used to determine the best opportunities
for someone and allow them to build both a local and global
personalized portfolio. Having transaction listed on blockchain,
this makes this safer to invest and crypto currency makes this
completely scalable with limited friction costs. Basically anyone,
anywhere can invest any amount in quality real estate, and it is
as simple of a swipe of a finger.
Investors, from the novice to the experienced, use
Collaborative SMART Investing with these systems to help
APRIL/MAY 2019 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine
them make the right personalized choices for themselves.
On the supply side, the property industry promotes projects
on the Trusted Global Real Estate Marketplace. If it passes
the initial due diligence (AI & big data) then it goes through
community due diligence. This is a group of accredited members
of the community who have proven they have the skill set and
local market knowledge to do the due diligence on the project.
This is no different from the encyclopedia which many years ago
was the fact point of information. Today, it is Wikipedia which
is managed by 19 million volunteers, who have been accredited.
Property due diligence will be exactly the same. All the risks
will be made clear on each project listed and together with
using the GIDDS (Global Investment Due Diligence System)
investors will be able to invest through Collaborative SMART
Investing as it is a far simpler, safer, most cost effective and most
importantly trustworthy and in a clear, transparent way.
The real estate industry will always be localized, but
technology will provide a trusted framework which allows
everyone to come together in a common marketplace. At
first technology was heavily used for investors from emerging
markets to invest in first world countries, however in the second
half of the 2020’s there was a large movement of capital from
first world countries into emerging world countries where
they could now get higher growth but minimize the risks
using technology. This is why by 2029, we’re seeing the Wealth
Gap closing as both access to real time training from experts
and trusted technology platforms having access to real estate
become easier, simpler and safer with the swipe of a finger.