Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa April/May 2019 | Page 24
A Proptech (R)evolution
Trends in Proptech that will transform the property sector
echnology has revolutionised much of our daily lives.
From buying groceries, to going on holiday, and book-
ing a taxi to finding a plumber, tech has made our lives
easier and more rewarding. Why then, is the property rental
journey still the same as it was 100 years ago archaic and
disconnected? Even the word landlord is a draconian term: it
implies that if I have the land then I have the power over you,
the tenant.
Here are the trends we’re witnessing that I think will lead to
a Proptech revolution:
1. Generation Rent
Generation Rent” – those millennials
aged 21-35 who are increasingly
becoming tenants, because they
can’t afford to own their own
home – is on the rise. Renting
property is becoming much
more prevalent than in
previous years, as people
cannot afford to own, nor
do they want to be ring
fenced. In fact, if you look
at the world over, people in
various European countries
like Germany have never
had a notion or need to own a
property. The world is also smaller
these days, and people want to be
more transient and have their freedom.
The old concept of working your
entire life to pay off one property does
not necessarily appeal to millennials
any more – especially to Generation
4. Streamlining
Think about financial technology and how processes like
applying for a loan have changed. No more going into a bank,
meeting the manager and pitching your idea for why you need
a loan, followed by filling out reams of paperwork that are then
diligently filed away in a physical warehouse. You can do it
all online now, so there is less face-to-face interaction which
means the process has been completely streamlined. People
are increasingly looking for shorter ways to get to the same
point, especially with millennials, because their most
precious commodity is time. We think that the
property market is going to undergo the
same types of tech innovations.
5. A more egalitarian
There’s a general trend that
we’re all striving for equality
in the workplace, in the
home and in the world at
large, and I think this is
going to feed into many
other relationships, notably
the tenant-agent-landlord
one. Through technology,
tenants will be placed at the
centre of this relationship,
instead of them being peripheral.
6. Automation
There are already players in the property
market who have actively gone out
to replicate physical processes online.
Companies like HouseMe connect
“prospective tenants to landlords with full
automation of the letting agency process”, PropertyFox is a local
2. Changing the tenant value paradigm
company that focuses on selling your home, while Purple Brick
Property is the biggest asset class on the planet and rental is a
does similarly in the UK and US.
significant portion of it.
Another interesting company that has digitised the physical
Tenants are therefore an increasingly important part of the
experience of looking around a property is SpotAHome. They
economy and property ecosystem, especially as fewer people
have their own independent employees who go into a property
choose to buy property. If you run the numbers, nearly a third
and make a realistic video of the property, going as far to check
of a person’s income goes towards rent so it’s only fair to assume
every cupboard hinge, and peeking inside the toilet lid. They’re
that the value a tenant derives from this large expenditure will
honest and realistic, and may say things like, “the traffic noise is
evolve over time.
a bit loud during rush hour”, but this give the prospective tenant
or buyer a more realistic representation of the property than a
3. Different purchasing decisions
landlord/homeowner might. And because all this information
As I mentioned above, generations before us typically worked
is online, you can go back and view the videos and images as
diligently to pay off that one property, which they usually achieved
many times as you like, without even having to physically visit
later in life. Millennials are different - they don’t see the point
the property, unless of course you want to.
of working hard to put their money into an asset that may only
This desire for authenticity and tenant empowerment, the
benefit their own children one day financially, and not necessarily
streamlining of processes and rise of Generation Rent are just
themselves. Millennials want to go on holidays, soak up experiences,
a few of the trends that I feel will radically disrupt the rental
and enjoy more instant gratification than people decades ago may
property market – with tech at the heart of it all. Watch this
have wanted. This is all having an effect on the property market and
will play a big part in driving a revolution in Proptech.
APRIL/MAY 2019 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine