Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa April/May 2019 | Page 21
‘It is clear that if a business is not looking at what the
consumer really needs or how to use technology to benefit its
clients, then it won’t be around for much longer. Disruptors
like us are moving quickly to redefine real estate in favour of
the consumer,’ says Leadhome co-founder Marcél du Toit.
‘Locally, the cumbersome
way of selling a property had to
be challenged and there are a
number of companies, and even
large banks, who entered the
real estate industry. This is great
because everyone is acting in the
best interest of the consumer and’s Alexandria Procter echoes Du Toit’s
statement that the underlying strength of a property tech
company isn’t technology, but rather the way it enhances
human relationships.
‘We’ve been super focused on building unique and personal
relationships with as many of our landlords as possible. We try
to call every landlord to chat about their property and their
experience on the website. I think that this personal touch
gives them peace of mind. Many of them have seen our crazy
marketing stunts, and we end up chatting and laughing for
ages,’ says Procter.
‘This isn’t a very ‘techy’
solution, in fact it’s quite old-
school, but we love that and we
never want to lose that personal
touch. There’s something about
real human connection that
you just cannot replace with
technology, but it’s also not technology’s job to replace that
human connection. Technology serves a very specific purpose
of improving efficiency, and the brand
relies on leveraging technology to make stronger human
FNB’s announcement had everyone sitting up and listening.
However, technology entrepreneurs have slowly been taking
some of the property pie for years now. And they won’t stop
with just the pie – throw in the plate, oven and kitchen while
you’re at it.
‘invention isn’t disruptive, only
customer adoption is disruptive’
Procter is a founder, along with Brendan
Ardagh and Greg Keal. The website is Africa’s largest student
accommodation website. It grew from an excel speadsheet in
the UCT SRC offices, to a platform with over 30 000 visits
each month and more than 50 000 beds listed to date. ‘It has
been one hell of a journey,’ says Procter.
‘When I was on the UCT SRC, my portfolio was Day
Students, which included where students live off-campus. I
was inundated by desperate calls from students who had no
place to live, and similarly by landlords who had available
properties and no channel to market to students. I knew there
had to be a better way, and so was born!’
According to Procter, the property technology sector’s
underlying fundamental is to
identify and solve key problems
are helping to spread awareness
consumers experience. ‘For us
that you don’t have to pay
it was about solving a problem
enormous commissions, because
that we ourselves were facing.
Data doesn’t lie. If users keep
the first thing alternative or
Every year at varsity I struggled
hybrid, flat fee agencies addressed
coming back to your site, if your to find accommodation, as did
was the high commission estate
my friends. Then when I
growth is phenomenal - chances all
agents ask, usually in the region
was in the SRC, I saw that this
of 7.5% plus VAT, which is about
are you’re onto something that’s student accommodation issue
R120,000 on the average property
was actually across the entire
adding value to people’s lives.
in most of South Africa’s major
university. Then during the
cities,’ says Du Toit.
student protests later that year,
Data tells the tales.
I realised that it was actually
Leadhome charges one flat
across the entire country! There’s
fee of R39 995 plus VAT to sell a
a phrase I really like which says:
property - regardless of its value.
‘invention isn’t disruptive, only
The company also employ professional agents who are salaried
customer adoption is disruptive’ and I think about this every
and earn incentives based on getting the right outcomes for
day. Data doesn’t lie. If users keep coming back to your site,
their clients. This is very different from the traditional model, if your growth is phenomenal - chances are you’re onto
where the agent gets a cut of the commission earned after a
something that’s adding value to people’s lives. Data tells the
successful sale. ‘By examining the old model and finding ways
to declutter the costing model, we have found a way to create
more value for the consumer. So that’s why we’re not just an
Procter believes that a dangerous place for property players,
online model,’ says Du Toit.
and real estate agents in particular, cashing in on the Proptech
SA Real Estate Investor Magazine APRIL/MAY 2019