Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa April 2018 - 100th Issue! | Page 7

EDITORIAL VIEW Land and housing issues mean opportunities for all T he Emerging Trends in Real Es- tate® Europe 2018 report reveals that the global real estate sector is becoming more complex, more trans- parent and accessible to all. The same applies in South Africa. President Cyril Ramaphosa is under- pinning the support for fast tracking land distribution through expropriation of land without compensation. Parlia- ment has passed a motion to amend the Constitution to allow for the expro- priation of land without compensation with the idea of returning land to people within the confines of the law. Real estate delivers an important rev- enue stream - from transfer fees to property taxes for government - and that must also be protected. We have all seen examples of land grabs go wrong in Zimbabwe. We don’t need a repeat of the same mistakes here. We need to identify idle state land that can be repurposed for both agricultural and housing purposes, delivered with a spe- cific purpose and plan. NELSON MANDELA “ There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires. Basic service delivery from municipali- ties for things such as electricity, water, and roads (and even food) are not a given anymore. Ratepayers have been dealt a very poor hand with corrupt and incompetent politicians using unethical practices. This has resulted in an inabil- ity to deliver a proper service, causing economic chaos at municipal level. The demand for good services is needed and is evading us because of ill-equipped municipalities. Government needs far more engage- ment with the private business sector and property owners on the land expro- priation issue to find solutions through their 24-member committee due to re- port back to parliament by 30 August. This also creates huge opportunities for the entire property industry, so let’s en- gage. The affordable segment remains an opportunity but at the same time, it is difficult for developers to make a good profit. Regardless, somebody needs to come up with a solution that is work- able, profitable and provides affordable housing as part of a greater plan. Yes, we do need to address the inequali- ties of the past, the imbalance of private and agricultural land ownership, and ad- dress the current under-supply of hous- ing. However, property rights and own- ership needs clarity and policies need to be put into place to create certainty for investors and confidence in the market. Real estate investment adds value to so- ciety in many ways. It provides a com- munity for people, housing for people, a business opportunity for creating land- lords, gives governments rates and taxes, and provides a neighbourhood with ser- vices such as schools, shopping centres, and sports facilities. As they say, the biggest lie in investing in real estate is getting the right infor- mation. There are two types: The in- formation for the masses, which is not accurate; and the information for the classes, which is the information that is well researched and sourced by the indi- vidual investor willing to look past the general data. Successful investing NEALE PETERSEN FOUNDER/PUBLISHER SA Real Estate Investor Magazine APRIL/MAY 2018 5 “