Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa April 2016 | Page 45
Corporate Campuses
Redefining the idea of “campus”
Location is a bigger issue today as companies weigh
their workplace needs against the preferences of
a workforce that’s in flux. Vertical campuses and
repositioned large-floorplate industrial buildings in
the urban core will have an edge with Millennials. Yet
the traditional corporate campus persists, reflecting
the importance of “everyone under one roof ” to
boost productivity. Whatever the location and
format, campuses will promote wellness, integrate
and leverage smart technology to increase building
performance. But often they’ll do more—adding
complementary, even community-serving uses and
amenities, and melding non-office and office work
together to drive innovation. The form campuses
and buildings takes helps forge a strong identity to
reinforce corporate culture.
Commercial Office Building Developers
A building type in transition
Developers are transforming the commercial officebuilding model as they refocus on their t