Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa April 2014 | Page 18
Suze Orman
Robert Kiyosaki
and international gurus in the fields of motivation,
finance, real estate, Internet and leadership include
Tony Robbins, Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Brian
Tracy, John Maxwell, Robin Sharma, Suze Orman,
Ken Blanchard, Dr. John Demartini, John Kehoe, Jack
Welch, Tom Peters, Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield,
M a rk Vic tor H a n s en ,
Brendon Burchard,
Frank Kern, Eben Pagan,
Robin Ba nk s a nd Bob
Proctor. World-renowned
billionaire entrepreneur
Richard Branson and selfmade billionaire Warren Buffett also fall into the guru
category, although they don’t personally host formal
educational events.
owner of Emp