Q & A approved ; it is clear that EB-5 is a more viable alternative for international students .
Additional EB-5 benefits Once an applicant becomes a U . S . resident through the EB-5 programme , they will be able to obtain the following : 1 . Lower College Tuition 2 . Work Authorization 3 . Residence Flexibility 4 . Travel Privileges 5 . Path to Naturalization 6 . Permanent Residence
Location of real estate investment There is a lot of history between the Coachella Valley and its connection to Southern California . It ’ s roughly a 2-hour drive from about 26 million people between Los Angeles , Orange County , and San Diego County . Looking at the dynamics now , we have over 140 golf courses in the area . It is essential to think about what has happened over the last three years , with the pandemic and just a higher level of consciousness that people have now for wellness and health . The Coachella Valley is renowned now for its wellness , having a lot of spas agriculture ( so you have farm-to-table at the restaurants , and all of that comes together with the feel and vibe of the area with this project ).
People live very active lifestyles here , both the permanent residents and those visiting . They visit the Coachella Valley to go hiking , play golf , and get a general sense of connection with nature .
The surrounding areas don ’ t have a lot of heart , so people end up going there . The current accommodations are challenging , with more people coming to the Coachella Valley . In 2003 , there were 14,000 hotel rooms in the Coachella Valley , and as of recently , that number hasn ’ t changed a lot , which means people need somewhere to stay , especially as the region experienced record numbers in 2022 .
We are very excited to be developing a product of this kind where people coming here will be looking for highend accommodations . Remember , most people that come here are staying either in Airbnb ’ s , renting a house , or staying at some of the hotels that have been here since 2003 . There is a genuine need for a new high-end type product like this one .
SA Real Estate Investor Magazine SEPT / OCT 2023 10