Real Estate Investor Magazine September 2024 Edition | Page 70

Today , the word “ Metaverse ” is often associated with gaming , cartoonish avatars and virtual social engagements . This association has led to the perception that the Metaverse is primarily a realm for entertainment and escapism , distancing it from the broader internet audience and business communities . The relevance of the Metaverse for general business applications has diminished as a result .
The metaverse , as we have come to know it , is a collection of “ metaverse islands ” disconnected from each other and from the broader internet . These fragmented environments do not fully realise the interconnected potential once envisioned .
We see the emergence of spatial computing , probably best illustrated by Apple ’ s Vision Pro and Meta ’ s Quest . These are amazing devices that immerse you in an environment yet still displaying websites as 2D pages in a 3D environment . It ’ s akin to going into a store to look at the products but being presented with a paper catalogue . The web , as we know it , needs to evolve to keep pace with these advancements .
To realise the potential of this evolution , we must rethink our use of the term “ Metaverse ” and adopt more suitable terminology . The phrase “ Immersive Web ” offers a far more accurate description of the next stage in the internet ’ s development . It signifies a shift from a flat , 2D experience to one that fully covers the depth and richness of 3D websites .
The immersive web also provides opportunities way beyond what the metaverse islands can offer . Imagine browsing a property development website where you can walk through the properties in 3D .
Now , picture being a sales agent who can engage with visitors and potential clients in real-time within this virtual space . This is a win-win scenario for both buyers and sellers . Imagine an internet where you can share these experiences with friends and family or business associates .
As we move into the era of spatial computing it is important that the terminology we uses reflects the shift . The term Metaverse has certainly captured the imagination but has come to mean something that does fit with the next evolution of the web .
The Immersive Web is the next chapter in the story of the internet , one that holds the promise of richer , more engaging experiences for everyone . Perhaps MetaPress needs a name change … but , in the meantime , it is the goto place for an immersive website .
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