Real Estate Investor Magazine May 2024 Edition | Page 119


At the heart of the smart city concept lies the notion of accessibility to information . Historically , understanding how citizens interact with their city was based largely on assumptions and intuition , given the sheer complexity that comes with trying to track the movements of millions of residents . But that ’ s starting to change thanks to the concept of the Smart City .

By harnessing data analytics , we can gain valuable insights into various aspects of urban life , from optimising commuting patterns to improving energy efficiency . Through sensors and interconnected devices , we can now delve into the intricacies of city life like never before , allowing us to make informed decisions that benefit both residents and the environment . Turning this sort of data into action , quite literally , is what underpins the notion of a city being ‘ smart ’.
One of the key pillars of Cape Town ' s smart city vision is its commitment to sustainable urban development . Recognising that density is a city environment ' s friend , Cape Town has embraced a vertical approach to growth , maximising space and promoting efficient land use by encouraging more apartment-based living . This approach also helps the city in its transit-oriented corridor development , with its expansion of the MyCiti bus and train routes , which further encourage density and accessibility , enabling residents to enjoy a higher quality of life within a 15-minute radius of their homes .
On that note , the idea of the ‘ 15-minute city ’ is critical to the development of smart cities . As the name suggests , this is a form of urban development where your entire life can be lived within 15-minutes of everything you need , meaning never having to travel more than roughly 2km for work , life , and play . This encourages a pedestrian-oriented lifestyle , which contributes to a more sustainable urban culture .
Another critical way Cape Town is promoting itself as a Smart City built on sustainable development is through stringent building codes . From energy-
62 MAY 2024 Real Estate Investor Magazine