Real Estate Investor Magazine May 2024 Edition | Page 11


Essential Insights : Elon Musk and Robert Kiyosaki ' s unmissable advice for entrepreneurs and investors

In a world inundated with motivational speeches , inspirational quotes , fake messages , and teachers about breaking boundaries and chasing dreams , arguably the world ’ s wealthiest person Elon Musk emerges as a beacon of unvarnished truth . As the mastermind behind SpaceX , Tesla , and an array of groundbreaking ventures , his unapologetic honesty cuts through the noise .

Instead , he likened starting a company to " eating glass and staring into the abyss . If you are wired to do it , then only do it , not otherwise . So , think of it this way - if you need inspiring words , don ’ t do it !" It ' s a stark reminder that the path to success is fraught with challenges and sacrifices .
In the realm of real estate investing , where risks abound and challenges are par for the course , his wisdom holds relevance . Success in this arena demands not only financial acumen but also a willingness to weather storms and navigate uncharted territory .
Robert Kiyosaki , renowned investor , and author of the groundbreaking ‘ Rich Dad Poor Dad ’ series is poised to challenge and revolutionize financial mindsets during his visit to South Africa this month . With his bold declaration that the world is awash with counterfeit currency , misleading
guidance , and deceptive assets , Kiyosaki advocates for a radical shift towards knowledge and financial literacy as the true keys to prosperity .
Meir Ezra , esteemed businessman and coach , unveils a profound truth : knowledge is not merely a collection of facts , but the sum of accurately defined words and symbols . Conversely , fake realities lurk as deceptive shadows , leading astray those who unknowingly embrace them . If we don ’ t spot our own fake realties and shed light on any misunderstood words and symbols on the subject we are doomed to fail .
So , as we reflect on this sage advice , let us remember that while the path to success may be fraught with obstacles , it is those who persevere in the face of adversity who ultimately triumph .
Successful investing !
Founder & Editor-In-Chief

Neale Petersen

6 MAY 2024 Real Estate Investor Magazine