The power of books :
Unveiling the benefits & empowering actions in times of adversity
It comes as no surprise that smart investors are turning their attention to the property market . The old order is going through a transformation , and a knowledgeable generation is eager to invest , displaying their influence particularly in downturns . In times of volatility when you seek to diversify your portfolio , property can serve as the hedge you need .
You maybe considering starting with your own home and gradually expanding your portfolio ? Alternatively , you might be interested in joining the local residential , commercial or offshore rental property sectors . Whatever your aspirations , exploring the various options available , and familiarising yourself with their nuances . And there is no better way to start your investment journey than through reading books .
Over the years , I have collected the best books on property investment to stay ahead in this challenging field . Investing can be a formidable task especially in uncertain markets and an underperforming economy . With high interest rates reducing investment activity , the rental market is experiencing historically high levels of growth , particularly in the Western Cape . However , the upside for buyers lies in the fact that interest rates will always decrease , while a well-located well maintained property will always be desirable irrespective of levels interest rates .
MASTER QUOTE : " Crises are part of life . Everybody has to face them , and it doesn ' t make any difference what the crisis is ." - JACK NICKLAUS
In a market when a property has been listed for 3 or 4 months , sellers may become more motivated to sell . As a seller , it ’ s crucial not to overprice your properties . Instead , be realistic and set a value based on the current
3 APRIL / MAY 2023 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine