Real Estate Investor Magazine July 2024 Edition | Page 67


Property Price Growth According to Lightstone ’ s Residential Property Index ( end of April 2024 ), property price ’ s current annual capital growth is 2.98 %, with the Western Cape performing the best and Mpumulanga in second place .
Interestingly , Lightstone also says that coastal properties have performed better than non-coastal properties since 2014 , and freehold properties have performed better than sectional
And as I ’ ve mentioned before , high-value properties aren ’ t always the best investments as Lightstone shows that properties valued at less than R250 000 have outperformed all other value bands for most of the last 10 years with over 10 % annual capital growth per year for most of the time since 2016 ! Properties valued between R250 000 and R700 000 have come in second for most of the time since 2017 .